eUpdate Articles Tagged: nitrogen

Fertilization of tall fescue and smooth bromegrass pastures and hayfields

pastures nitrogen hay fertilizer 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, sources, and rates

Now is good time for wheat producers to start planning for topdress nitrogen applications, especially for wheat fields that emerged last fall. Learn about the key elements that need to be considered when deciding on the exact fertilizer program.

wheat topdress nitrogen 

Placement and rate considerations for nitrogen application with starter fertilizer

What types of considerations concerning placement and rates of starter fertilizer should producers keep in mind this spring? Read more from Dr. Ruiz Diaz, K-State's Soil Fertility Extension Specialist.

corn nitrogen starter fertilizer phosphorus 

Nitrogen loss potential during the winter and early spring

When field conditions allow, fall application of nitrogen (N) is a common practice for Kansas producers. What factors determine the nitrogen loss potential over the winter and early spring months?

nitrogen nitrification fall-applied fertilizer N loss potential 

Several factors affect successful soybean inoculation and nodulation

If soybean plants appear nitrogen deficient despite being inoculated, this probably indicates that the inoculant failed. Learn how to assess nodulation of soybean roots in the field and what factors can cause poor nodulation.

soybeans nitrogen inoculation nodulation 

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat

Wheat is considered a highly responsive crop to band-applied fertilizers, particularly phosphorus. Wheat plants typically show a significant increase in fall tillers and better root development with the use of starter fertilizer.

wheat fall fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer starter fertilizer phosphorus in-furrow 

Side-dress nitrogen applications for corn: Agronomic considerations and a new crop insurance endorsement

A common concern with side-dress nitrogen applications occurs when producers are unable to apply nitrogen due to wet or poor soil conditions. To help mitigate this risk, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced a new crop insurance option (“endorsement”) for northeast Kansas corn farmers who split-apply nitrogen.

nitrogen fertilizer corn crop insurance Side-dress 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen

Regardless of the crop conditions, wheat producers should start planning for any topdress nitrogen applications. However, differing yield potentials across regions should be taken into consideration when managing the nitrogen fertilizer rate. This article will discuss some of the issues to consider when making topdressing decisions.

topdress nitrogen fertilizer wheat 

Understanding the chemical reactions of urea in the soil

Some common nitrogen containing fertilizers used in Kansas are composed of urea. Questions are often raised about its potential for loss. Chemical reactions of urea in soil and other management factors that affect the performance of urea need to be understood for proper use.

nitrogen fertilizer urea 

Starter fertilizer and nitrogen placement and rate considerations for Corn

Starter fertilizer is typically considered as the placement of a small rate of fertilizer, usually nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), near the seed at planting time. This fertilizer is intended to "jump start" growth in the spring, and it is not unusual for a producer to see an early-season growth response to starter fertilizer application. But some producers might also consider using this opportunity to apply higher rates of fertilizer that can supply most of the N and P needs for the corn crop.

nitrogen starter fertilizer 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen fertilizer

Now is a good time to start planning for topdressing nitrogen on wheat, especially with the crop's early green-up this season. Some key elements that must be considered when deciding on the program you plan to use include timing, N source, application method, and N rate.

wheat nitrogen topdress fertilizer 
