eUpdate Articles Tagged: nitrates

Dryland corn considerations for 2022

Dryland corn in many parts of western KS is struggling. Elevated levels of nitrates are a common concern with drought-stressed plants. This article discusses the best options for these corn fields. Failed dryland corn may fill a gap for livestock producers with limited forage options. Testing prior to feeding will be particularly important.

Drought drought stress dryland corn nitrates 

Testing methods for nitrates in forages

When making harvesting or feeding decisions for forages that have potentially accumulated nitrates, our tendency is to want immediate answers. Laboratory analysis is by far the best test of nitrate toxicity. Two types of quick tests exist, and it is important to understand the limitations of these tests when considering their use.

cattle forages nitrate toxicity forage testing nitrates 

Sample handling practices affect the accuracy of plant tissue nitrate tests

Plant tissue analysis is valuable for many applications, including evaluating fertilizer management practices, identifying nutrient deficiencies, and determining hay and forage crops' safety and nutritional value. However, the accuracy of these tests is often limited by the quality of the sample that the laboratory receives. Learn about the surprising results of a recent study at K-State.

tissue testing sampling nitrates 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed forages

Drought-stressed crops tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant, which can be toxic to grazing animals. Crops such as forage and grain sorghum, sudangrass, hybrid sorghum-sudan, and pearl millet are notorious nitrate accumulators. Corn and other cereal grains can also accumulate potentially toxic levels of nitrate.

grazing forage drought stress nitrate toxicity nitrates 
