eUpdate Articles Tagged: nitrate

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn

Soil Testing Lab drought corn nitrate livestock soil testing 

Soil sample handling practices can affect soil nitrate test accuracy

The accuracy of a soil test is limited, in part, by the quality of the tested sample. However, soil samples must also be handled properly after they have been collected. Results from a recent study at K-State illustrates what can happen when soil sample submission to a testing lab is delayed and samples are not properly stored.

soil sampling soil testing nitrate 

Updated publication on nitrates and groundwater now available

Nitrate is a common contaminant in groundwater. Groundwater with excessive nitrate contamination can have immediate and long-term health effects. This publication addresses the drinking water nitrate standard, water testing, nitrate sources, reducing nitrate contamination risk, and groundwater treatment methods.

nitrate water quality KCARE groundwater 
