eUpdate Articles Tagged: new faculty

Department of Agronomy to welcome new department head in January 2021

After a national search, the next department head for K-State's Agronomy department has been chosen. Dr. Raj Khosla will begin his tenure as head of the department in January 2021.

new faculty 

Meet the new Southeast Area Agronomist, Bruno Pedreira

There's a new face at the Southeast Area Research and Extension Center in Parsons, KS. Bruno Pedreira has officially started in his new role as the Southeast Area Agronomist. Welcome to Kansas, Dr. Pedreira!

new faculty agronomist 

K-State Agronomy hires new Assistant State Climatologist

Meet our new Assistant State Climatologist, Matthew Sittel. Matt recently joined the Department of Agronomy to fill the vacancy left by Mary Knapp upon her retirement. He will be a frequent contributor to the eUpdate and will be involved in all aspects of Kansas climate monitoring. Welcome to K-State, Matt!

new faculty 

Two new Area Agronomists join K-State Research and Extension

Two new faculty members recently joined the K-State Agronomy family. Logan Simon is an assistant professor of agronomy and is the Southwest Area Agronomist in Garden City. Assuming the role of Northeast Area Agronomist is Tina Sullivan, assistant professor of agronomy. Learn more about each of them in this article.

new faculty 
