eUpdate Articles Tagged: leaf rust

Time to start scouting wheat for stripe and leaf rust

With more reports of stripe rust appearing in Oklahoma and a recent report of disease in southeast KS, the time to start scouting wheat fields is now. Photos and scouting tips are featured in this article from K-State Plant Pathologist Dr. Erick DeWolf.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Wheat disease update and fungicide considerations

Stripe rust continues to be the top disease story for Kansas wheat in 2020. Leaf rust has also made an appearance. What other diseases should you be looking for and are fungicides still an option? Find out more in this article.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight 

Wheat disease update - May 6, 2021

This article summarizes the various wheat disease reports from across Kansas this past week. Several diseases are showing up in different locations, so now is the time to be actively scouting wheat fields.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust wheat streak mosaic 

Wheat disease update: April 21, 2022

With dry conditions throughout Kansas, disease pressure has been below average in most scouted locations. At the time of publication of this article, there have been no reports of either stripe rust or leaf rust in Kansas. Additionally, there have been reports of low rust pressure in both Oklahoma and Texas. Dry conditions in the region may be suppressing disease development.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2025 Kansas wheat crop is optimistic

Over the last ten years, stripe rust has been one of the most damaging wheat diseases in Kansas. Several factors contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region. Weather conditions in Texas can be important indicators of how bad stripe rust will be in Kansas.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 
