eUpdate Articles Tagged: leaf diseases

Corn leaf diseases in Kansas

There are several leaf diseases that can infect corn in Kansas in any given year. They can all be controlled with some combination of hybrid selection, tillage management, crop rotation, planting dates, or foliar fungicides.

corn leaf diseases southern rust leaf blight Goss's wilt gray leaf spot common rust 

Soybean seedling diseases webinar series to begin on Feb. 23

Soybean planting is around the corner and the best time to protect against seedling diseases is prior to planting! A series of free webinars that will cover soybean seedling diseases and the latest information on fungicide resistance. See this article for more details.

soybeans virtual leaf diseases webinars  

Southern rust has been reported in additional counties in Kansas

Southern rust has been reported in two additional counties in Kansas since the last update on July 8. While levels are low, recent weather in some areas has been favorable for disease development. Early detection is crucial for successful management of this corn disease.

corn disease leaf diseases southern rust