eUpdate Articles Tagged: label requirements

Review of herbicide label requirements: Dicamba

This article is the first in a series reviewing unique or updated label requirements for key herbicides. Certain dicamba products were approved for post-emergence control of weeds in Xtend Soybean in 2017. The labels for these products include some additional requirements intended to reduce the potential for non-target injury caused by herbicide drift.

dicamba drift label requirements 

Review of herbicide label requirements: Paraquat

This article is the second in a series reviewing unique or updated label requirements for key herbicides. Paraquat is the active ingredient in the herbicide Gramaxone SL 2.0 and others. When handled carefully, paraquat is an effective weed management tool that would be difficult to replace in terms of effectiveness on hard-to-control species like pigweeds.

label requirements paraquat 

Review of herbicide label requirements: Enlist One and Enlist Duo

This is the third article in the series reviewing unique or updated label requirements for key agronomic herbicides. Keep in mind that instructions printed on the herbicide label supersede this information. Some of the unique label requirements when using Enlist One or Enlist Duo are discussed in this article from Dr. Sarah Lancaster.

drift label requirements Enlist herbicides 

Update on new herbicides for Kansas crops in 2020

Herbicides that have gained approval for use in agronomic crops in 2020 are discussed in this article, as well as some products that anticipate approval for 2020. Remember to always read and follow label directions.

label requirements herbicides 

Herbicide carryover considerations when re-cropping damaged wheat

Growers who decide to terminate their wheat crop because of poor stands or weather-related damage need to consider the persistence of herbicides applied to the wheat. Many wheat herbicides have fairly long crop rotation restrictions.

wheat label requirements Re-cropping herbicide carryover 

Considerations for applications of over-the-top dicamba formulations

It is that time of year again for post-emergent applications of Engenia, Fexapan, and Xtendimax on dicamba-resistant soybeans. In light of the recent court ruling, it is vital that application restrictions are followed closely to prevent non-target dicamba injury to conventional, Enlist, and Liberty Link soybeans.

soybeans dicamba label requirements 

Interim decision announced regarding atrazine registration review

Atrazine is a key herbicide for corn and sorghum production and fallow systems. An interim decision has been recently been released in response to a routine registration review. Read more about how this may affect Kansas farmers in this article.

label requirements Enlist herbicides atrazine 

EPA approves labels for over-the-top dicamba application

On October 27, 2020, the EPA issued approval for three labels for over-the-top dicamba application. The labels will be effective until 2025. More details are included in this article.

dicamba label requirements 

UPDATED - EPA approves labels for over-the top dicamba application

The article has been updated slightly from the original version published on October 30. Stay up -to-date on the recent EPA ruling concerning certain over-the-top dicamba products.

dicamba label requirements herbicide EPA 

Cut-off dates for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Don't forget that the 2021 labels for over-the-top applications of herbicides containing dicamba have cut-off dates. For soybeans, this cut-off is just around the corner. Applications to cotton have a few weeks longer. Read more in this short article from Sarah Lancaster.

soybeans dicamba label requirements cotton herbicide application dicamba-resistant 

New Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicide labels approved

On January 11, the EPA renewed labels for Enlist One and Enlist Duo for seven years. These are the only 2,4-D formulations approved for over-the-top herbicide application to Enlist E3 soybean and Enlist cotton. The labels come with some additional restrictions compared to the previous labels.

label requirements Enlist herbicides cotton soybeans EPA 

Paraquat: What you need to know for use in 2022

Paraquat is a restricted use herbicide that was first commercialized in the 1960s and is one of the most widely applied herbicides in the United States. This article discusses recent changes made by the EPA in 2021 regarding the proper use of this herbicide.

label requirements paraquat application training herbicide 

Prohibition for Enlist One and Enlist Duo lifted for Kansas

Enlist One and Enlist Duo amended supplemental labels were approved on March 29 to allow use in 10 counties in Kansas (Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cowley, Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson)

weed control label requirements enlist 

Cut-off dates approaching for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Farmers planning to apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium to their dicamba-resistant soybean have about two weeks remaining to make those herbicide applications. These are the only dicamba-containing products labeled for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton. The last day these products can legally be applied to soybean is June 30. The cut-off date for cotton is July 30.

dicamba label requirements cotton soybeans herbicide application 

EPA seeking public comment on atrazine re-registration review decision

The Environmental Protection Agency has requested public comment on the proposed additional mitigations to reduce potential exposure and risk to aquatic communities from atrazine via runoff from agricultural uses in field corn, sweet corn, sorghum, and sugarcane. Details on how to submit comments are outlined in this article.

label requirements herbicide EPA atrazine 

Check herbicide labels before using soybeans for livestock feed

Drought conditions throughout Kansas are forcing farmers to consider harvesting soybeans for forage instead of grain. Many factors should be considered when making this decision. Herbicide applications made during the growing season are one thing to consider. Many herbicide labels restrict the use of soybeans as a forage.

soybeans Drought label requirements herbicide livestock 

Proper pesticide use: Why should an applicator care?

The label is the law - most pesticide applicators are familiar with that phrase. Yet, pesticides are sometimes used in ways that are inconsistent with product labels. Label directions are written to minimize risks for applicators, bystanders, and the environment. This article explains why applicators should prioritize reading and following pesticide labels.

label requirements herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

Cut-off dates approaching for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Farmers planning to apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium to their dicamba-resistant soybeans have about two weeks remaining to make those herbicide applications. These are the only dicamba-containing products labeled for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton.

dicamba label requirements EPA application timing 

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pesticide Applications - What You Need to Know

There is a good deal of interest in using drones, also called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the application of pesticides. If you are an applicator considering using a drone for applications, here is some basic information regarding licenses that you need to know before applying any pesticides.

label requirements application training pesticides drones 

Check herbicide labels before using soybeans for livestock feed

Drought conditions and extreme heat throughout Kansas are forcing farmers to consider harvesting soybeans for forage. The herbicide label is the law, and many herbicide labels do restrict the use of soybeans as a forage. It is important to know the waiting period between the application of a given herbicide and the grazing or harvesting of the soybeans for use as a forage.

soybeans label requirements herbicide forage 

Planting winter canola? Be aware of rotation restrictions with herbicides

Recent developments associated with market opportunities for winter canola may lead to increased planting in the fall of 2023 and beyond. When making seeding plans, be sure to consider the herbicides used this summer and those planned for the fall.

label requirements herbicides canola winter canola 

Fall herbicide applications - Atrazine label updates

Fall or early spring herbicide applications are a great proactive weed management strategy to ensure fields “start clean” at planting. Atrazine has historically been an important part of these programs. However, recent changes in atrazine labels mean that it cannot be used in some fall-applied scenarios. Learn more in this article.

label requirements atrazine fall-applied herbicides 

Update - Federal court vacates labels for over-the-top dicamba herbicides

A recent ruling in a US District Court vacated the labels for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium herbicides. This article gives an update regarding the sale and use of these over-the-top dicamba herbicides for soybeans and cotton.

soybeans dicamba label requirements cotton EPA 

The Endangered Species Act: What you need to know

The EPA's herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide strategies are expected to change, and they have yet to be finalized. The strategies aim to minimize the exposure of protected species to pesticides. Changes will include additional runoff, erosion, and spray drift reduction measures for many products. This article helps explain how to be prepared for the changes.

label requirements EPA Endangered Species 

Herbicide applications: Avoid a tank-mix mishap

Tank-mixing herbicides and other agrichemicals is necessary to increase weed control and use machine hours wisely. Unfortunately, the likelihood of physical incompatibility increases as the number of products added to a tank-mix increases. This article will briefly overview the principles of tank-mix order for herbicide applications.

label requirements herbicides herbicide application tank mix 

Cut-off dates approaching for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Farmers planning to apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium to their dicamba-resistant soybeans have about two weeks remaining to make those herbicide applications. These are the only dicamba-containing products labeled for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton. The last day these products can legally be applied to soybeans is June 30.

label requirements dicamba pesticide application 

Planting winter canola? Be aware of rotation restrictions with herbicides

Recent developments associated with market opportunities for winter canola may lead to increased planting in the fall of 2024 and beyond. As you make seeding plans, consider the herbicides you use or have used in your fall and summer crops. Some herbicides may have rotation restrictions for canola.

label requirements canola winter canola herbicide carryover 

Update on the registration of over-the-top dicamba products

As the 2024 growing season wraps up and growers start to think about seeding plans for 2025, questions are resurfacing about dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton. In this article, learn more about what to consider when looking ahead to next year and the use of dicamba.

soybeans dicamba label requirements cotton herbicide application EPA 

First herbicides with ESA-compliant herbicide label approved

Last week, the EPA issued a final decision to approve Liberty Ultra (glufosinate-P), making it the first herbicide with a label for agronomic crops that follows the principles outlined in the EPA's Herbicide Strategy, which is intended to help herbicide registrations comply with Endangered Species Act requirements. Learn more in this article.

label requirements herbicide EPA off target movement 

Pesticide container misuse - Be aware of the regulations

It's important to know and understand the regulations regarding pesticide containers. Pesticide containers may not be repurposed after the pesticide has been used, and container disposal options may be limited by local regulations. Learn the proper disposal procedures for your location.

safety label requirements pesticides 

2025 Kansas training information for paraquat

This article answers frequently asked questions about the paraquat dichloride training for certified applicators. All products with the new labeling with the active ingredient paraquat dichloride, such as Gramoxone, Firestorm, Helmquat, and Parazone, will require additional training in order to apply these products.

label requirements paraquat herbicide training 
