What insects are active right now in soybeans, sorghum, and wheat? Does this activity present any potentials concerns? Find out more from the Extension Entomology team.
Find out what insects are still buzzing around crop fields in Kansas in this article from K-State Extension Entomology.
The Department of Entomology at K-State is asking for your help in delivering the best pest information to those they serve across the state. Help them out by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey.
There are reports of insect activity in wheat and alfalfa fields in parts of Kansas. Army cutworms have become more noticeable. Also, pea aphids are showing up in alfalfa fields.
Alfalfa weevils have started feeding in fields in north central Kansas. Does this activity warrant treatment yet? Army cutworm larvae are still active as well. How much longer will they continue their feeding?
This article discusses some of the current insect activity in summer row crops in portions of Kansas. Each insect is discussed and is accompanied by photos.
As the corn in northwest Kansas continues to move through the final vegetative stages of growth and tassels have just started to emerge, Western Bean Cutworm is a pest to monitor. Reports of western bean cutworm egg masses in northwest and west central Kansas began over the last week and scouting has begun.
Variety selection is one of the most important decisions that a grower can make to ensure success on their farm. The Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2020 publication, from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Keep this resource handy when making planting decisions.
The recent Arctic-like weather raises some questions about insect pressure for the upcoming growing season, particularly for the western corn rootworm. Will this severe cold snap kill eggs that are currently lying dormant in the field?
Get the latest update on the activity of alfalfa weevils and pea aphids in this article from Extension Entomologist Jeff Whitworth. Learn how to estimate the level of infestation and when a treatment threshold has been reached.
The brown marmorated stink bug is one that may have fallen “off the radar” of farmers in Kansas. In recent years, this insect has been slowing making its way further west. Learn more about this potentially problematic pest in this article from Entomologist Anthony Zukoff.
Need help identifying a bug in your crop field? The K-State Insect Diagnostics Program is now accepting identification requests of digital images using an online request form. This articles covers tips for taking the photos so that you can get an accurate identification.
Several K-State Research and Extension publications covering insect control in wheat, alfalfa, soybeans, and grain sorghum have been updated for 2021. Check out this helpful resources when questions arise about insect control in your crop fields.
Grain sorghum is in various stages of flowering in the southwest right now. Once flowering begins, growers might want to keep an eye out for sorghum midge. Learn the best way to scout for these pests and how to properly identify midge damage to sorghum.
Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2021, from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance information is included, as well as profiles that highlight some common or new varieties for Kansas.
Worm activity has been elevated for a large portion of Kansas for the last three weeks. A combination of fall armyworms, armyworms, and alfalfa caterpillars have been feeding in alfalfa fields. Learn what options are available for control in this article.
Weather patterns can have a significant impact on grasshopper populations from year to year. In areas with greater grasshopper pressure seedling alfalfa and wheat could be at risk. Learn more about the recommended treatment thresholds in this article.
The Dectes stem borer is native to Kansas and can infest soybeans. Insect damage to the stem makes the plant very susceptible to lodging, which may result in harvest losses. Scouting for Dectes while the soybeans are still green can assist in helping avoid more yield loss at harvest.
Kansans, particularly those that farm or tend their lawns, might end up remembering 2021 as the "Year of the Worm". Here is the latest fall worms update from Extension Entomology.
wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms armyworms fall armyworms
Learn how to identify damage from sorghum midge and what recommendations can help avoid grain loss. This article also provides an update on midge activity from Southwest Kansas, particularly in the Garden City area.
Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management in Kansas were recently updated and are available online. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations with the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.
Corn earworm, fall armyworm, and western bean cutworm all can impact corn yields. These ear-feeding pests have largely been controlled through the use of Bt corn varieties. However, these pests have developed some resistance to the Bt traits. In light of this resistance, the EPA has proposed some changes regarding the use of Bt corn. Learn more in this article.
As we face an extended period of high temperatures across Kansas, often exacerbated by strong winds, farmers should remain conscious of how heat stress can elevate the risk posed to summer crops by various pests.
Soybean growers in the northern parts of Kansas need to be aware of a potential new pest, the Soybean Gall Midge. While not found in KS yet, it has been detected in southern Nebraska. Yield losses from this insect are due to plant death and lodging. Learn how to identify this emerging soybean pest and how to report any possible sightings.
An old pest is back and has a new name. Sorghum aphids, formerly called sugarcane aphids, are showing up in Kansas fields. Grain sorghum producers should be scouting their fields on a routine basis. Early detection is important, but treatments should be based on established thresholds.
Relatively new, cost effective, and environmentally friendly products are available for controlling headworms in sorghum. These are pest-specific viruses, formulated as biological pesticides, that can be applied the same as any foliar insecticide, or delivered via overhead irrigation sprinklers.
A wasp commonly found during the summer in Kansas has recently caught the attention of some producers. Several wasps were mistaken for wheat stem sawfly, a significant pest of wheat that has not yet established in Kansas. Sometimes referred to as flower wasps, the five-banded tiphiid wasp, is a harmless solitary wasp found throughout most of the country. Learn more in this article from K-State entomologist Anthony Zukoff.
Several K-State Research and Extension publications on crop pests in Kansas have been updated and are available to order or download for free. Learn more about alfafla weevils, bird cherry-oat aphids, false chinch bugs, black cutworms, soybean aphids, and stink bugs.
First identified in 2008 as a potential pest of soybeans in the US, trochanter mealybugs have a wide variety of hosts including corn, sorghum, and alfalfa. While their role as a pest of soybeans is still not fully understood, it appears that mealybugs have the potential to be a problem in Kansas alfalfa as sporadic infestations have been detected in the western part of the state as recently as 2022.
Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management for specific crops in Kansas were recently updated and are available online. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations with the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.
The first pest problem affecting alfalfa every year is usually the alfalfa weevil. It's important to start scouting alfalfa fields and pay attention to treatment thresholds. If left unchecked, alfalfa weevils can defoliate plants prior to the first cutting.
Chinch bugs have historically been a problem in Kansas. In agriculture, they are mainly a problem in sorghum. However, they can also affect corn and occasionally wheat. This article addresses chinch bug activity across portions of Kansas and recommendations for treatment.
Japanese beetles are migrating west across Kansas. Adult Japanese beetles have been creating concern for corn producers in the eastern third of the state for the last couple of weeks. They are a concern, based upon timing, because they are strongly attracted to fresh corn silks.
Western bean cutworms are primarily a pest of corn in Kansas and activity is generally isolated to the western part of the state. Early detection of egg masses is important, as any chemical control needs to happen before larvae enter corn ears. When the field is almost fully tasseled, an average of 8% of plants with eggs or small caterpillars justify control measures.
Soybean aphids have been detected for the first time this year in northeast Kansas. Soybean aphids have migrated into the state every year since 2002 but only reached a treatable threshold for two or three of those years. Soybean growers should monitor their fields for these aphids. Learn more in this article.
Sugarcane (sorghum) aphids were first detected migrating into Kansas in mid-July this year. This article discusses how widespread the aphids are in Kansas and when treatment might be warranted. Proper identification is important as different species of aphids are often mistaken for sugarcane aphids. Learn more in this article.
This article gives an update on the activity of alfalfa weevils in Kansas. Control of this pest can be problematic in Kansas. The weather in early spring can make the application of foliar insecticides difficult. Learn more about the current activity of this pest and what options are best for control.
A wide range of temperatures in March has caused the alfalfa weevil hatch to occur over a relatively long period of time. Each alfalfa field is different, and whether to treat or not requires scouting in each field. Treatment for this pest is all about timing. Learn more about treatment options in this article.
Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management in Kansas were recently updated and are available to the public. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations using the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.
In 2023, soybean gall midge was found infesting soybean and sweet clover in Marshall and Nemaha counties in Kansas. Since this pest can overwinter in Kansas, producers should be on the lookout for additional infestations in 2024. Scouting for this pest should start when the plants are at the V2 growth stage.
Kansas cotton growers escape most of the damaging insects found deeper in the Cotton Belt. However, as cotton acres continue to rise in the state, producers and consultants must be aware of insect pests with the potential to cause significant yield loss in this crop.
Corn rootworm degree day accumulation for the northern half of Kansas is ahead of the same time last year, and egg hatching should begin in one to two weeks in most locations. Southern portions of Kansas are just slightly behind last year. Evaluating corn roots for rootworm damage during the growing season is highly recommended.
In Kansas, chinch bugs are a perennial pest of just about any grass. In crops, they mainly affect grain sorghum but are occasionally problematic in corn and wheat. This is primarily due to timing. As wheat begins drying out, the bugs seek a new food source, often an adjacent field of seedling sorghum.
As cotton in Kansas begins setting squares, attention shifts from monitoring thrips to monitoring cotton fleahoppers and lygus bugs (also known as tarnished plant bugs). Cotton should be scouted for these insects from the six-leaf stage until square production stops. Learn more about these cotton pests in this article.
Cotton bollworm caused significant losses in the early years of Kansas cotton production and still has the potential to be a serious pest. Additionally, several types of stinkbugs can feed on cotton. This article offers valuable information on late-season insects that can impact cotton production.
Green June beetle adults have been active for the past couple of weeks. They have a wide host range and, thus, can be attracted to many different kinds of plants when they are flowering or fruiting. Relative to agricultural crops, they cause concern mostly in corn if the timing is right. Learn more in this article.
Sorghum (formerly sugarcane) aphids continue to decline as a threat to grain sorghum in Kansas. While region-wide biological control is now effectively maintaining populations below the economic threshold in the vast majority of fields, late-planted sorghum is at a higher risk of colonization.
Fall armyworms are known to feed on over 80 host plants. In Kansas, they can damage several important crops, pasture, turf, and home landscaping. Two full generations are possible in Kansas, with defoliation and grain damage being the biggest concerns. At-risk crops should be scouted regularly for the remainder of the growing season.
Many late-planted soybeans are still in the R2-R5 stage of development, which means they are still susceptible to pod worm and/or adult bean leaf beetle feeding. Adult bean leaf beetles may feed on both new foliage and green pods, while pod worms feed on the beans within pods.
K-State Research and Extension and the Northwest/North Central Extension Districts are hosting two Crop Pest Management Schools in mid-November. The first one is set for Nov. 19 in Beloit, and the second one will take place on Nov. 20 in Dighton. Join us in person to learn how to control the latest pests - weeds, insects, and diseases - affecting all crops in central and western Kansas.
Alfalfa weevil degree days are a great way to estimate what might be going on in the field and help decide when to start scouting. Alfalfa weevil eggs begin hatching after 300 degree days have accumulated. Degree day accumulations for alfalfa weevils are well ahead of normal for the entire state this year.