eUpdate Articles Tagged: horseweed

World of Weeds: Marestail

Marestail (Erigeron canadensis), also called horseweed, is a troublesome weed in several cropping systems in Kansas and beyond. Marestail is most problematic in reduced or no-tilled fields. Learn how to identify and control this pest in this latest World of Weeds article.

World of Weeds marestail horseweed 

World of Weeds - Giant ragweed

Giant ragweed, also called horseweed, often comes to mind as a contributor to seasonal allergies in the fall. However, emergence of this weed begins in early spring, making it a timely topic for the March World of Weeds article.

World of Weeds horseweed giant ragweed 

Marestail in soybeans: Strategies for the best control

Controlling marestail in soybeans continues to be a big challenge for Kansas no-till producers. Application timing and weed size are critical factors for successful control of this weed that germinates in the fall or early spring. Marestail that does survive over winter is often robust and can be difficult to control with herbicides, especially later in the spring.

soybeans weed control marestail horseweed 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail, or horseweed, is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum-till systems. Acceptable control of fall-emerged marestail with herbicide applications at planting will be unlikely because the marestail are generally too large, but control can be achieved with both fall and early spring herbicide applications. Other control options include tillage and cover crops.

herbicide marestail residual herbicides annual weeds horseweed 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail, or horseweed, is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum-till cropping systems. Acceptable control of fall-emerged marestail with herbicide applications at planting will be unlikely because the marestail is generally too large. Control can be achieved with both fall and early spring herbicide applications. Other control options include tillage and cover crops.

weed control marestail herbicide resistance horseweed