eUpdate Articles Tagged: high winds

Green snap in corn

Some recent storms and high winds this spring have caused significant stalk breakage in corn fields. With these storms, it is not unusual to have up to 40% of stalks in some fields broken off at ground level. This is usually referred to as green snap, brittle corn, or brittle snap.

corn green snap high winds stalk breakage 

June 2020 in Kansas: One big hot wind

While windy days in Kansas are certainly common, June is historically one of the lighter wind months. This was not the case for June 2020. Sustained winds were above average for most of June for much of the state. What conditions were driving these winds? Read more here from the KS Climate team.

weather hot weather high winds 

Emergency measures to control wind erosion

Cropland can be quite susceptible to wind erosion under some conditions, particularly through the winter. Dry conditions and high winds in western KS in recent weeks have contributed to episodes of blowing soil. Learn more about emergency measures that can help control wind erosion.

soil conservation high winds wind erosion soil loss 

Emergency measures to control wind erosion

Recent wind conditions in western Kansas have been conducive to soil erosion. Winter wheat and other fall-planted crop fields may be susceptible during periods of low cover. It is important to monitor field conditions and identify vulnerable fields. Emergency tillage can help mitigate soil loss during periods of high winds.

soil conservation erosion high winds soil erosion wind erosion emergency tillage 
