eUpdate Articles Tagged: high temperatures

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn

livestock corn high temperatures 

Effects of recent high temperatures on wheat

There have been some extremely high temperatures during the last week in Kansas. While this is not unusual for this time of year, the high temperatures have caught some of the wheat during the grain filling period. Read more from Wheat Specialist Romulo Lollato in this article.

wheat high temperatures 

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn

The month of June has been hot across many locations in Kansas. The combination of heat and drought stress during certain growth stages in corn can be problematic. Read more from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti and the Kansas Climate team.

corn high temperatures drought stress GDD heat stress 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Summer temperatures have arrived across Kansas, with expected highs reaching near or exceeding 100 degrees in the coming days. Under these conditions, producers need to be aware of certain considerations when applying herbicides.

high temperatures herbicide application herbicide drift temperature inversion 

Heat wave for the weekend: Update on high temperatures and heat stress

The Climate Prediction Center and the National Weather Service have issued heat outlooks for the weekend and continuing through the end of July. Even western portions of Kansas can expect elevated dew points and increased low temperatures.

Drought high temperatures heat stress 

Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development

Recent high temperatures occurred at a particularly critical period for the Kansas corn crop. Temperatures last week were unfavorable for a significant portion of Kansas. Heat stress during critical stages could lead to yield reductions.

corn high temperatures corn development 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

With many regions in Kansas reaching temperatures over 100 degrees this week, producers are encouraged to keep in mind how hot temperatures may impact the effectiveness of herbicide applications.

high temperatures herbicide application 

Use the Mesonet Animal Comfort Tool to monitor livestock conditions this summer

Monitoring summer heat stress is important to ensure healthy livestock. Don't forget about the Animal Comfort Tool, a very useful tool from the Kansas Mesonet. Learn how to find and use this resource in this article.

Mesonet livestock high temperatures Cattle Comfort Tool 

Heat safety awareness: Excessive heat forecasted for Kansas in late July

The month of July started off relatively cool for Kansas. However, the end of the month looks to be considerably hotter. The National Weather Service is forecasting excessive heat for much of Kansas next week. Learn how to be prepared and who is most vulnerable.

high temperatures high humidity heat advisory 

Effects of High Temperatures on Wheat

Wheat is generally sensitive to unusually high temperatures at nearly every stage of growth, being more sensitive in the reproductive stages. Both daytime high and nighttime low temperatures have been extremely high across parts of Kansas during the four-day period May 9-12. Extreme heat in early- to mid-May occasionally happens. To have four consecutive days of days with highs in the low- to mid-90s F at a time when much of the state’s wheat crop is either in the heading or flowering stage is concerning.

wheat high temperatures 

Jumping Straight to Summer

This year started off with statewide below-normal temperatures through April. With the dry conditions experienced through this period, the cool temperatures helped mitigate drought expansion and water demands. However, May has brought a turn to much-warmer-than-normal temperatures for Kansas thus far. With our lack of previous warmth, our bodies haven’t had an opportunity to adjust and it has brought on numerous additional stressors.

weather high temperatures 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

There are certain factors to consider when making herbicide applications during extremely hot weather. Plant response can vary depending on the herbicide and other plant growth processes. Herbicide volatility increases in some products when temperatures get very warm outside. Learn more in this article.

herbicide high temperatures herbicide application 

High temperatures reduce effectiveness of Group 27 herbicides

Applying certain herbicides when air temperatures are high could reduce their effectiveness on controlling Palmer amaranth. Research conducted at K-State described two key changes about how Palmer amaranth responds to applications of mesotrione (Callisto) under high temperatures.

palmer amaranth high temperatures post-emergence hot weather Group 27 herbicides 

How hot has it been in Kansas this summer?

July is typically the hottest month in Kansas, and this year has been no exception. But, has this summer been hotter than normal? How does it compare to previous summers? This article examines measured summer temperatures from 40 locations all across Kansas.

weather Climate high temperatures hot weather 

Effects of high temperatures on wheat

Wheat is generally sensitive to unusually high temperatures at nearly every stage of growth, being more sensitive in the reproductive stages than in the vegetative stages. High temperatures occurred when much of Kansas' wheat crop was either in the heading or flowering stages. This timing is a cause of concern and has resulted in many symptoms of heat stress

wheat high temperatures heat stress 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Warmer temperatures are in the forecast for the latter part of June across Kansas with warmer-than-normal temperatures expected for July. Some considerations should be taken during hot weather when making herbicide applications to help ensure the best response.

herbicides high temperatures herbicide application 

Extreme heat and Kansas farm income

Moderate or severe drought is prevailing through much of the Corn Belt and many areas of Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska are experiencing extreme drought. New research is summarized in this article on the impact of extreme heat and the profitability of Kansas farms.

drought high temperatures crop insurance hot weather farm stress 

Drought and heat stress impacts on soybeans in Kansas

Over the last week, impressive heat has taken hold of Kansas with absolutely no precipitation statewide. Dryland soybean fields are experiencing significant heat and drought stress. This article covers important information related to this stress, including the yield impacts and the use of failed soybeans as a forage.

soybeans drought high temperatures drought stress heat stress 

A hot day for the record books in Kansas - August 19, 2023

Less than a month after a late July heat wave brought the hottest temperatures in years to parts of Kansas, another heat wave arrived on Saturday, August 19. This event brought even hotter temperatures to Kansas. This article looks at temperatures recorded at Mesonet stations across the state.

Mesonet weather high temperatures hot weather