eUpdate Articles Tagged: herbicide resistance

Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31

Herbicide-resistant weeds are threatening the profitability and long-term sustainability of Kansas cropping systems. We are seeking input on this issue from Kansas farmers and agriculture professionals.

weeds survey herbicide resistance 

Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31

Please consider completing a short survey on herbicide resistant weed control. The survey will close at the end of August. Information collected will help develop innovative, cost-effective and integrated weed management practices for Kansas farmers.

weeds survey herbicide resistance 

Weed management practices: Fall scouting for weeds

Weeds that escape control by in-season management practices can cause several problems at harvest and in future growing seasons.

weeds scouting herbicide resistance seedbank weed management 

Herbicide-resistant grain sorghum hybrids - Are they here yet?

Herbicide-resistant grain sorghum has been a topic of conversation for several years. This article will provide an overview of weed management in these herbicide-resistant grain sorghum systems.

grain sorghum herbicide resistance 

IMIFLEX herbicide receives EPA approval for igrowth grain sorghum

As of late December, grain sorghum farmers have access to IMIFLEX™ herbicide to use in igrowth® grain sorghum for the 2021 growing season. Read more about the target weeds, use rates, and rotation intervals in this article.

grain sorghum weed control herbicide resistance IMIFLEX 

Metabolism-based herbicide resistance in a 6-way resistant Palmer amaranth

A six-way herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth population was the subject of a study recently published by K-State weed scientists. Results from this study demonstrate that a single resistance mechanism can provide resistance to multiple herbicide groups.

palmer amaranth herbicide resistance 

Imazamox-resistant shattercane populations identified from sorghum fields in northwest Kansas

Shattercane is a summer annual grass weed species commonly present in grain sorghum producing regions, including Kansas. Current research studies in western KS have identified 3 populations of shattercane with low-to-moderate resistance to imazamox.

grain sorghum herbicide resistance shattercane 

Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum

Pre-emergence herbicides are critical for successful weed management in grain sorghum, especially for difficult to control species like Palmer amaranth. When pre-emergence control efforts fail, learn the best options for Palmer amaranth in sorghum fields later in the growing season.

grain sorghum palmer amaranth post-emergence herbicide resistance 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail or "horseweed" is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum till systems. Fall-emerged marestail can be difficult to control if allowed to grow until planting in the following spring. Different control options are available for use in the fall while plants are still small.

weed control marestail herbicide resistance residual herbicides 

Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum

With row crop harvest well underway, it is time to start planning fall herbicide applications. Herbicide applications in late October through November can improve control of difficult winter annual weeds.

herbicide resistance annual weeds fall-applied herbicides 

Control of late-emerging kochia in wheat or wheat stubble

Getting kochia under control in any cropping system that includes wheat requires control in the wheat crop during the spring and shortly after wheat harvest. This is not always easy, even if early spring herbicide applications for kochia control were made. This article discusses options for controlling late-emerged kochia in wheat.

wheat kochia herbicide resistance 

Weed resistance to WSSA Group 2 herbicides is widespread: What do growers need to know?

Weed resistance to WSSA Group 2 herbicides is a global challenge that all growers, including those of major crops in Kansas, must be aware of. This crucial issue directly impacts their crop management strategies and overall productivity.

weed control herbicide resistance Group 2 herbicides 

Metabolic resistance: A pressing threat requiring immediate action

Multiple herbicide-resistant weeds such as Palmer amaranth and kochia are a real threat to growers in Kansas. The rapid and widespread evolution of multiple herbicide resistance in weed species due to the increased capacity to degrade herbicides threatens herbicide sustainability and global food production. Learn more in this article.

weed control herbicide resistance metabolic resistance 

Harvest weed seed destruction - A tool for managing herbicide-resistant weeds

Multiple herbicide-resistant weeds threaten crop production in Kansas. Weeds persist because of the soil seed bank in crop fields. Harvest weed seed control practices target weed seeds present on the plant at harvest. Destroying weed seeds in the chaff is a potential system for reducing the number of potentially herbicide-resistant weed seeds returned to the soil.

weed control herbicide resistance seed destruction 

Strategic tillage in long-term no-tillage systems

Strategic tillage is defined as a one-time tillage operation in an otherwise no-till system to manage challenges of long-term NT, including difficult-to-control weeds and pH stratification. Following this operation, the system returns to no-till. This article reviews recent research on the use of strategic tillage in western Kansas.

no-tillage strategic tillage herbicide resistance soil properties tillage 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail, or horseweed, is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum-till cropping systems. Acceptable control of fall-emerged marestail with herbicide applications at planting will be unlikely because the marestail is generally too large. Control can be achieved with both fall and early spring herbicide applications. Other control options include tillage and cover crops.

weed control marestail herbicide resistance horseweed