eUpdate Articles Tagged: herbicide drift

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Summer temperatures have arrived across Kansas, with expected highs reaching near or exceeding 100 degrees in the coming days. Under these conditions, producers need to be aware of certain considerations when applying herbicides.

high temperatures herbicide application herbicide drift temperature inversion 

Be aware of herbicide spray drift in wheat

Late rains across Kansas have caused some farmers to reconsider the yield potential of portions of their wheat crop. Some wheat is being terminated with herbicides, but neighboring wheat may be headed for harvest. This article discusses some strategies that can reduce the likelihood of spray drift.

wheat herbicide drift wind plant injury 

Dicamba injury on soybeans - now what?

Even though the cutoff date for applying dicamba over the top of soybeans passed last week, there is still some conversation about dicamba applications and off-target movement to sensitive soybeans. This article summarizes some of the recent research on this topic at K-State.

dicamba soybeans herbicide drift herbicide injury 

Relative volatility of different 2,4-D herbicide formulations

Herbicide formulations can dramatically influence herbicide performance, from efficacy to compatibility to shelf life. For some postemergence herbicides, the active ingredient can take multiple forms. Examples of herbicides that have multiple forms include glyphosate, 2,4-D, and dicamba. This article will focus on the relative volatility of three forms of 2,4-D.

herbicide herbicide drift volatilization 

Be aware of herbicide spray drift in wheat

This article will explore glyphosate injury and discuss other types of wheat injury that could be caused by off-target movement of some herbicides that may be used during the early summer months. There are also tips for reducing the chance of spray drift if you are spraying near a wheat field.

wheat glyphosate herbicide drift herbicide injury 
