eUpdate Articles Tagged: herbicide application

Herbicide applications and cold temperatures

Recent drops in temperature have prompted concerns about the effectiveness of herbicide applications made during cold weather. What are the risks when applying herbicides during cold weather?

herbicide application 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Summer temperatures have arrived across Kansas, with expected highs reaching near or exceeding 100 degrees in the coming days. Under these conditions, producers need to be aware of certain considerations when applying herbicides.

high temperatures herbicide application herbicide drift temperature inversion 

Herbicide application practices in Kansas

The K-State Weed Science Extension team is looking for your input! Herbicide application practices such as sprayer speed and spray volume influence weed control as well as whole-farm efficiency. Please consider filling out a short survey related to this topic.

survey herbicide herbicide application 

Survey: Herbicide application practices in Kansas

If you did not get a chance to participate in a short survey about your herbicide application practices back in February, you have another chance! Help out the Extension Weed Science Team and fill out this short survey! Thank you!

survey weed control herbicide herbicide application 

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat

Herbicide applications that will not directly influence crop yield can be a tough choice to make. There are some indirect benefits to pre-harvest herbicide applications in wheat, especially in fields with a high weed density. Learn more about this management practice in this article.

wheat weed control herbicide application pre-harvest 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

With many regions in Kansas reaching temperatures over 100 degrees this week, producers are encouraged to keep in mind how hot temperatures may impact the effectiveness of herbicide applications.

high temperatures herbicide application 

Cut-off dates for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Don't forget that the 2021 labels for over-the-top applications of herbicides containing dicamba have cut-off dates. For soybeans, this cut-off is just around the corner. Applications to cotton have a few weeks longer. Read more in this short article from Sarah Lancaster.

soybeans dicamba label requirements cotton herbicide application dicamba-resistant 

Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications

Late summer and fall can be an excellent time to treat unwanted stands of woody plants. Scattered stands of individual trees should either be treated individually using the basal bark method or the cut stump treatment method.

woody plants rangeland herbicide application 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

There are certain factors to consider when making herbicide applications during extremely hot weather. Plant response can vary depending on the herbicide and other plant growth processes. Herbicide volatility increases in some products when temperatures get very warm outside. Learn more in this article.

herbicide high temperatures herbicide application 

Cut-off dates approaching for XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium applications

Farmers planning to apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium to their dicamba-resistant soybean have about two weeks remaining to make those herbicide applications. These are the only dicamba-containing products labeled for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton. The last day these products can legally be applied to soybean is June 30. The cut-off date for cotton is July 30.

dicamba label requirements cotton soybeans herbicide application 

Review of restricted use pesticides and applicator licenses

As the 2023 field season gets into full swing, now is a good time for a refresher on restricted-use pesticides (RUPs) and pesticide applicator licenses. This article goes over the different categories of pesticides according to use and the importance of accurate record keeping.

herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

Proper pesticide use: Why should an applicator care?

The label is the law - most pesticide applicators are familiar with that phrase. Yet, pesticides are sometimes used in ways that are inconsistent with product labels. Label directions are written to minimize risks for applicators, bystanders, and the environment. This article explains why applicators should prioritize reading and following pesticide labels.

label requirements herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Warmer temperatures are in the forecast for the latter part of June across Kansas with warmer-than-normal temperatures expected for July. Some considerations should be taken during hot weather when making herbicide applications to help ensure the best response.

herbicides high temperatures herbicide application 

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat

A warm spring this year has resulted in rapidly maturing wheat. There have been some questions about spraying herbicides on wheat that has already headed. This article discusses herbicide options for wheat that serve as harvest aids. Pre-harvest applications may be beneficial this year to prevent harvest difficulties, dockage problems, weed seed production, and soil water depletion due to weeds.

wheat weed control herbicide application pre-harvest harvest aid 

Herbicide applications: Avoid a tank-mix mishap

Tank-mixing herbicides and other agrichemicals is necessary to increase weed control and use machine hours wisely. Unfortunately, the likelihood of physical incompatibility increases as the number of products added to a tank-mix increases. This article will briefly overview the principles of tank-mix order for herbicide applications.

label requirements herbicides herbicide application tank mix 

Herbicide applications and high temperatures

Much warmer temperatures are forecast for the latter part of June across Kansas. If you are planning herbicide applications, there are some important considerations when applying these chemicals during periods of high temperatures.

weather herbicides high temperatures herbicide application 

Update on the registration of over-the-top dicamba products

As the 2024 growing season wraps up and growers start to think about seeding plans for 2025, questions are resurfacing about dicamba-resistant soybeans and cotton. In this article, learn more about what to consider when looking ahead to next year and the use of dicamba.

soybeans dicamba label requirements cotton herbicide application EPA