eUpdate Articles Tagged: growing season

Summary of the 2020 Kansas wheat growing season

From extreme drought and harsh spring freezes to an almost stress-free growing season; variability is the key word describing the 2020 winter wheat growing season in Kansas.

wheat growing season 

Some areas in Kansas are still waiting for the first freeze

Several locations across Kansas have passed 200 days since recording freezing temperatures. For some of these places, this will set the record for the latest freeze. Learn more about the climatology of late freezes and the impacts of extended growing seasons in this article.

weather freeze Climate growing season freezing temperatures 

Summary of the 2022 wheat growing season in Kansas

This article takes a look back at the 2022 wheat growing season in Kansas. Adverse environmental conditions created difficult growing conditions for many areas across the wheat growing region of Kansas. Yield losses from diseases were lower than average.

wheat growing season  

Growing season precipitation for Kansas - A dry start

This article summarizes the growing season precipitation across Kansas since April 1. How did April and May compare to past years? There is also a discussion of the summer outlooks for temperature and precipitation.

weather precipitation growing season 

Growing season weather summary for Kansas in 2023

As of July 9, there have been 100 days since April 1, a date that meteorologists often use to define the start of the summer growing season. In this article, we take a look at how the 2023 growing season has compared to 2022, and how 2023 compares to normal for Kansas.

weather precipitation high temperatures growing season 

Summary of Kansas growing season weather in 2024

Now that July has ended, where does Kansas stand with respect to normal temperatures and precipitation for the 2024 growing season? In this report, we examine some summary statistics. The latest Drought Monitor revealed that only 11% of Kansas is considered drought-free, a dramatic change from three weeks ago.

weather Climate Drought precipitation growing season