eUpdate Articles Tagged: growing degree days

New Kansas Mesonet tool for estimating wheat growth stage

Winter wheat in Kansas is beginning to break dormancy. The Kansas Mesonet has introduced a new tool to help track the wheat crop development. Learn how to access this new resource and how to best use it's many features.

wheat Mesonet GDD tool growing degree days 

Estimating western corn rootworm egg hatch and adult emergence

Degree-day models are useful tools for estimating the development of different insects, allowing us to predict when potential pests might begin to impact a crop. For the Western Corn Rootworm, degree-day calculations can be used to determine the onset of egg hatch in an area, peak egg hatch, and the timing of adult emergence.

corn rootworm growing degree days western corn rootworm 

Update on soil conditions and growing degree days this spring

The first half of April means that planters in some areas of Kansas have started rolling out. This article looks at soil temperatures, soil moisture, and growing degree day accumulation for the year. The upcoming forecast for Kansas is also presented.

Drought soil moisture spring planting soil temperature growing degree days 

Growing season weather summary: Evapotranspiration and growing degree days

Last week, we examined the 2023 growing season compared to 2022 regarding temperature and precipitation differences. This article takes a closer look at the growing season to date and considers additional variables such as evapotranspiration (ET) and growing degree days.

weather Mesonet growing degree days evapotranspiration 

Start monitoring alfalfa weevils using degree days and scouting

Degree day accumulations for Kansas alfalfa weevils are well ahead of normal for the entire state this year. A similar trend occurred in 2023. Scouting for weevil activity should be conducted right now in all regions of the state.

alfalfa alfalfa weevils scouting growing degree days