eUpdate Articles Tagged: gray leaf spot

Corn leaf diseases in Kansas

There are several leaf diseases that can infect corn in Kansas in any given year. They can all be controlled with some combination of hybrid selection, tillage management, crop rotation, planting dates, or foliar fungicides.

corn leaf diseases southern rust leaf blight Goss's wilt gray leaf spot common rust 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases: Scouting is key

Corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Learn about the different disease risks factors for corn and when treatment is recommended for susceptible and intermediate hybrids.

corn disease foliar fungicides gray leaf spot bacterial leaf streak 

Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans

What diseases are cropping up in corn and soybean fields this summer? For corn, most fungicide applications have been made, except for late-planted fields. Soybeans are generally looking good. Read more about what diseases have been found in soybean fields.

soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 

Distinguishing between gray leaf spot and bacterial leaf streak in corn

Bacterial leaf streak was identified as a new corn disease in the U.S. in 2016. For this growing season, it has been confirmed in several locations in Kansas. Bacterial leaf streak can be mistaken for gray leaf spot, resulting in unwarranted fungicide applications. Learn how to distinguish between these two corn diseases.

corn disease gray leaf spot bacterial leaf streak 
