eUpdate Articles Tagged: fusarium head blight

Wheat disease update and fungicide considerations

Stripe rust continues to be the top disease story for Kansas wheat in 2020. Leaf rust has also made an appearance. What other diseases should you be looking for and are fungicides still an option? Find out more in this article.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight 

Late-season wheat diseases: Be on the lookout for Fusarium head blight

Be on the lookout for some late-season diseases in wheat across Kansas. Get the latest wheat disease update from K-State Plant Pathology in this article.

wheat disease fusarium head blight head scab 

Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities

As we begin harvest across the state, we wanted to provide some reminders about diseases that may affect either grain quality or the viability of grain that is destined to be saved for seed.

wheat harvest loose smut fusarium head blight seed quality 

Fusarium head blight outlook and fungicide recommendations

Wet weather in many parts of Kansas this week are favorable for both Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) and stripe rust development. In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases. Timing of treatment is key!

wheat fungicide stripe rust fusarium head blight head scab 

Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities

As we look toward harvest in Kansas, this article provides some reminders about diseases that may affect either grain quality or the viability of grain that is destined to be saved for seed. There are some strategies for mitigating losses on heavily infested fields.

wheat harvest loose smut fusarium head blight 

Wheat planting - Consider seed treatments this year

As wheat planting draws closer in Kansas, fungicide seed treatments are strongly advised. Fungicide seed treatments are an important and highly effective tool for controlling common bunt and a host of other seed-borne diseases.

wheat seed treatment fusarium head blight fungicides common bunt 

Kansas wheat disease update - May 11, 2023

The first incidence of stripe rust was detected this week in irrigated wheat. Dry conditions have remained unfavorable for stripe rust development. Recent rain showers in some areas have led to low levels of tan spot. There is a slightly elevated risk in some south central and southeastern counties for Fusarium head blight.

wheat disease stripe rust fusarium head blight tan spot 

Fusarium head blight outlook and fungicide recommendations

Wet weather has been creeping into northeast Kansas this week resulting in conditions favorable for Fusarium head blight (scab). In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases.

disease wheat fusarium head blight thin wheat wheat scab scab 

Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities

As wheat harvest progresses in Kansas, this article provides some reminders about diseases that may affect either grain quality or the viability of grain that is destined to be saved for seed. While most disease management decisions have been made, there are some strategies for mitigating losses on heavily infected fields.

wheat disease harvest loose smut fusarium head blight common bunt black point sooty mold