Fungicide seed treatments are becoming an important part of wheat production in Kansas. In 2019, Fusarium is an important issue for many seed producers. Learn how seed treatments can help with seed-borne diseases.
The KSRE publication "Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management" has been updated for 2020. Check out this valuable resource when deciding on a fungicide application to wheat.
Stripe rust continues to be the top disease story for Kansas wheat in 2020. Leaf rust has also made an appearance. What other diseases should you be looking for and are fungicides still an option? Find out more in this article.
wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight
Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2020 is now available.
Seed treatments are strongly advised for wheat seed that is being saved from previous seasons. The 2020 harvest saw higher than normal levels of common bunt and loose smut in Kansas.
Wondering about wheat fungicide recommendations for different diseases? The KSRE publication "Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management" has been updated for 2021. There are many fungicides available in Kansas that provide very good to excellent control of foliar diseases.
Wet weather in many parts of Kansas this week are favorable for both Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) and stripe rust development. In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases. Timing of treatment is key!
Corn producers in Kansas should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Different diseases are discussed in this article with management recommendations.
corn fungicide foliar fungicides foliar diseases crop scouting
The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2023. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head comparisons of products in Kansas and many other wheat producing states.
As wheat starts to green-up across the state, questions are coming in about the benefit of early fungicide applications. Research at K-State and in other regions continues to demonstrate that it is often possible to achieve high levels of foliar disease control with a single fungicide applied between flag leaf emergence and heading growth stages.
Rainy, cool weather late in the season has led to trace levels of stripe rust showing up in many counties in central and western Kansas. Most fields in Kansas are past the pre-harvest intervals for a fungicide application and no application should be considered at this point. Read more about late-season stripe rust in this article.
Tar spot of corn has been confirmed in five counties in Kansas. Fungicides are an effective tool for controlling tar spot if applied at the appropriate time. A well-timed, informed fungicide application will be important to reduce disease severity when it is needed. Learn more about if and when a fungicide application will be beneficial.
The wheat crop is moving quickly and is ahead of schedule in many locations. Now is a critical time to assess the need for a foliar fungicide application. Regions in the state that are expecting high moisture over the coming days may be at risk for more severe disease development.
As of May 2, stripe rust has been detected in 24 Kansas counties. The wheat crop is ahead of schedule, and there is a dramatic difference in yield potential between parts of the state that have received moisture and parts that have not. Here, we review some key wheat fungicide considerations.
Wheat is greening up across Kansas and producers are preparing to topdress nitrogen or apply herbicides. A common question relates to the value of including a fungicide in the mix with those applications. This can be an economical option, but there are a few factors to consider, which are discussed in this article.