eUpdate Articles Tagged: fertilizer

Plant, soil, and fertilizer considerations for chloride management in Kansas

soil deficiency fertilizer chloride 

Fertilization of tall fescue and smooth bromegrass pastures and hayfields

pastures nitrogen hay fertilizer 

Nitrogen loss potential during the winter and fertilizer options this spring

fertilizer nitrogen winter spring spring fertilizer 

Placement and rate considerations for nitrogen application with starter fertilizer

fertilizer nitrogen corn 

Nutrient availability in poultry manure

Poultry litter can provide a significant and important supply of nutrients for crop production in areas of Kansas where a supply of litter is available. Get answers to common questions regarding the nutrient availability in poultry litter in this article.

fertilizer poultry litter nutrients 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen

The current status of the Kansas wheat crop is very variable. Regardless of the crop condition, now is a good time to start planning for topdress nitrogen applications. Several key elements need to be considered. Learn about those factors in this article.

wheat topdress fertilizer nitrogen 

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat

Wheat is considered a highly responsive crop to band-applied fertilizers, particularly phosphorus. Wheat plants typically show a significant increase in fall tillers and better root development with the use of starter fertilizer.

wheat fall fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer starter fertilizer phosphorus in-furrow 

Nutrient availability in poultry manure

Poultry litter can provide a significant and important supply of nutrients for crop production in areas of Kansas where a supply of litter is available. Poultry litter can serve as an excellent complement to commercial nitrogen (N) fertilizers.

fertilizer nitrogen poultry litter phosphorus nutrient availability potassium 

Calculating the value of poultry litter and proper storage considerations

The use of poultry litter can contribute to reducing the cost of fertilizer inputs for many operations, depending on the price and transportation cost of the litter. Poultry litter may represent significant savings particularly in times of high fertilizer prices.

fertilizer poultry litter 

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits

To maximize the yield potential of winter canola, producers should topdress with nitrogen, sulfur, and possibly boron in the winter. Producers should make topdress applications with consideration for the environmental conditions, the nutrients needed, and the application method.

fertilizer topdress canola winter canola 

Side-dress nitrogen applications for corn: Agronomic considerations and a new crop insurance endorsement

A common concern with side-dress nitrogen applications occurs when producers are unable to apply nitrogen due to wet or poor soil conditions. To help mitigate this risk, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced a new crop insurance option (“endorsement”) for northeast Kansas corn farmers who split-apply nitrogen.

nitrogen fertilizer corn crop insurance Side-dress 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen

Regardless of the crop conditions, wheat producers should start planning for any topdress nitrogen applications. However, differing yield potentials across regions should be taken into consideration when managing the nitrogen fertilizer rate. This article will discuss some of the issues to consider when making topdressing decisions.

topdress nitrogen fertilizer wheat 

Understanding the chemical reactions of urea in the soil

Some common nitrogen containing fertilizers used in Kansas are composed of urea. Questions are often raised about its potential for loss. Chemical reactions of urea in soil and other management factors that affect the performance of urea need to be understood for proper use.

nitrogen fertilizer urea 

Management practices affecting nitrogen loss from urea

In this article, readers will learn about the best management strategies to avoid significant nitrogen loss when applying urea-containing fertilizers to crop fields. Understanding the importance of certain soil and environmental conditions can help minimize the nitrogen loss potential.

fertilizer urea volatilization 

Planning your wheat fertility program: Start now by soil testing

Wheat planting will be here before too long in Kansas. Now is the time to get soil sampling done to have good information to base your fertilizer inputs on. This is particularly important after drought and lower-than-expected yields for previous crops. Due to variable conditions and yield levels across the state, fertilizer needs may require adjustments based on soil tests

wheat soil testing fertilizer profile nitrate nutrient availability 

Soil fertility and wheat production: Profile nitrate levels and wheat yield

This article addresses the correlation between the amount of nitrate in the soil profile and wheat yield. Failure to account for the N present in the soil wastes a valuable resource. Soil sampling in the fall for nitrate can have a significant impact on N recommendations for winter wheat in Kansas soils.

soil testing fertilizer wheat yield profile nitrate residual nitrate 

K-State 2023 Fertilizer Research Report is now available online

The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station fertilizer reports include preliminary results of research conducted on fertilizer use and management practices for crops in Kansas. This latest report includes topics of using nitrogen, phosphorus, nitrification inhibitors, and chloride application practices in alfalfa, corn, soybean, wheat, and sorghum. The report includes nutrient management methods, tillage, and cover crop best practices.

fertilizer research reports  

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen fertilizer

Now is a good time to start planning for topdressing nitrogen on wheat, especially with the crop's early green-up this season. Some key elements that must be considered when deciding on the program you plan to use include timing, N source, application method, and N rate.

wheat nitrogen topdress fertilizer 

Updated soil test interpretations and fertilizer recommendations for Kansas

The Agronomy Soil Fertility Working Group at K-State, led by soil fertility specialist Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, has released an updated version of the popular publication "Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendations in Kansas". This publication contains the most recent soil test interpretations for the major crops for the most commonly deficient plant nutrients in Kansas.

soil testing publication fertilizer soil fertility 

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits

Producers should topdress with nitrogen, sulfur, and possibly boron in late winter to maximize the yield potential of winter canola. Producers should make topdress applications with consideration for the environmental conditions, the nutrients needed, and the application method. The typical time to topdress winter canola is during the rosette stage.

canola sulfur topdress nitrogen fertilizer 

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen fertilizer

This year's wheat crop has a much better yield potential than in recent years. This should be considered when planning nitrogen fertilizer applications. Now is a good time to think about topdressing. Key elements to consider include timing, N source, application method, and N rate.

wheat topdress nitrogen fertilizer 
