eUpdate Articles Tagged: fall armyworms

Update on insect activity in alfalfa - Fall armyworms, armyworms, and alfalfa caterpillars

Worm activity has been elevated for a large portion of Kansas for the last three weeks. A combination of fall armyworms, armyworms, and alfalfa caterpillars have been feeding in alfalfa fields. Learn what options are available for control in this article.

insects alfalfa armyworms fall armyworms caterpillars 

Insect update: The Year of the Worm

Kansans, particularly those that farm or tend their lawns, might end up remembering 2021 as the "Year of the Worm". Here is the latest fall worms update from Extension Entomology.

wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms armyworms fall armyworms 

Fall armyworm infestations in early-planted wheat in central Kansas

There have been some heavy infestations of fall armyworms in early-planted wheat in central Kansas, with some plantings completely destroyed. Read more about the best options at this point in the season and how to distinguish between fall armyworm and true armyworm in this article.

wheat fall armyworms early-planted wheat 

Large numbers of fall armyworm in Texas, moths appearing in southern Kansas

In late June, large numbers of fall armyworms were being documented in Texas. Fall armyworm adults were detected in southwest Kansas during the first week of July, with numbers on the rise. At-risk crops should be scouted regularly for the remainder of the growing season. Recommended treatment thresholds and labeled products are discussed in this article.

insects fall armyworms 

Scout for headworms in sorghum from flowering into milk stage

Relatively new, cost effective, and environmentally friendly products are available for controlling headworms in sorghum. These are pest-specific viruses, formulated as biological pesticides, that can be applied the same as any foliar insecticide, or delivered via overhead irrigation sprinklers.

insects grain sorghum fall armyworms headworms corn earworm 

Fall armyworm activity in Kansas

Fall armyworm can damage several important Kansas crops as well as pasture, turf, and home landscaping. Two full generations are possible in Kansas with defoliation and grain damage being the biggest concerns. The first detected fall armyworm for the season was on June 16 in the Central Kansas district.

insects armyworms fall armyworms 

Update on fall armyworms in Kansas

Fall armyworms are known to feed on over 80 host plants. In Kansas, they can damage several important crops, pasture, turf, and home landscaping. Two full generations are possible in Kansas, with defoliation and grain damage being the biggest concerns. At-risk crops should be scouted regularly for the remainder of the growing season.

insects pastures alfalfa fall armyworms 

Update on fall armyworms and armyworms

There is much concern about "worms" feeding on brome and the prospect of those worms moving to newly emerged wheat. Infestations currently consist of either fall armyworms or armyworms. Learn more about the current status of these pests and what to expect in the coming weeks.

wheat bromegrass armyworms fall armyworms