eUpdate Articles Tagged: drydown

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest

drydown crop progress sorghum 

Soybean dry down rate before harvest

Soybeans will reach final maturity with high seed water content, moving from 90% to around 60% from beginning of seed filling until final maturity. What factors control the dry down rate in soybeans?

soybeans drydown 

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest

What factors affect the rate of dry down in grain sorghum? This is a question on the minds of many producers as harvest draws closer and temperatures drops. Find out more in this article from KSU CROPS.

drydown grain sorghum 

Understanding soybean seed filling: Contribution to yield

There is still quite a bit of yield to be defined for soybeans in the next month. With most of the crop entering seed filling, weather conditions will be critical with respect to final seed weights.

soybeans drydown yield biomass accumulation 

Learn about the rate of dry down in corn before harvest

As the end of the growing season arrives in Kansas, a common question from growers relates to the dry down for corn. This rate depends on the weather, primarily temperature and moisture conditions. Learn more in this article from Dr. Ciampitti.

drydown corn 

Soybean dry down rate before harvest

Soybeans reach final maturity at a relatively high water content. Dry down rates depends on a few factors such as the maturity group, planting date, and environmental conditions at the end of the season.

soybeans drydown crop development 

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest

The dry down process for grain sorghum is affected by several factors including temperature, humidity, and late-season stress conditions. Read more about the dry down process and how to estimate when sorghum will be ready to harvest.

drydown sorghum harvest 

Soybean dry down rate before harvest

Soybeans will reach final maturity with high seed water content, moving from 90% to around 60% from beginning of seed filling until final maturity. The dry down rate depends on a few factors including maturity group, planting date, and weather conditions.

soybeans drydown harvest 

Soybean seed filling and dry down rate before harvest

This article offers a closer look at the seed-filling process of soybeans. Environmental conditions in the coming days will play a critical role in seed filling and determining final seed weight. Another important process is the dry down rate of soybeans after reaching final maturity. Learn more about this process in this article.

soybeans drydown harvest 

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest

In recent years, a common question from producers is related to the dry down rate for sorghum when approaching the end of the season. The dry down process can be delayed by low temperatures, high humidity, and high grain moisture content at black layer. Learn more in this article from KSU farming systems specialist, Ignacio Ciampitti.

drydown sorghum grain sorghum 

Soybean seed filling and dry down rate before harvest

The weather conditions expected for the last half of September will be critical for soybeans as related to seed filling and determining final seed weight. Final maturity is defined as the formation of the black layer in the seeds. The dry-down rate will depend on the maturity group, planting date, and weather conditions experienced during the latter part of the reproductive phase.

soybeans drydown harvest 

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest

A common question from producers is related to the dry down rate for sorghum when approaching the end of the season. Based on previous information, the average dry down rate depends on the weather, primarily temperature and moisture conditions. This article looks at some recent studies and what factors play the biggest role in the dry down rate.

drydown grain sorghum sorghum weather 

Soybean seed filling and dry down rate before harvest

The weather conditions expected for the last portion of September will be critical for soybeans regarding seed filling and determining the final seed weight. The dry down rate will depend on the maturity group, planting date, and weather conditions. Scout fields to monitor maturity and prioritize situations with lodging or other stress factors that could compromise plant standability.

soybeans drydown