eUpdate Articles Tagged: drought stress

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn

The month of June has been hot across many locations in Kansas. The combination of heat and drought stress during certain growth stages in corn can be problematic. Read more from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti and the Kansas Climate team.

corn high temperatures drought stress GDD heat stress 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn

Drought-stressed crops such as corn and sorghum tend to accumulate high levels of nitrate in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant. It is wise for producers to test their drought-stricken forage prior to harvest.

corn livestock drought stress nitrate toxicity forage testing 

Management options for stressed corn

Where dryland corn has been under severe drought or heat stress, producers have to decide whether to leave it and harvest for grain, salvage the crop for silage or hay, or leave the crop in the field for its residue value. Learn more about each of these options in this article.

corn silage drought stress heat stress corn silage 

Biomass production and nutrient uptake of drought-damaged corn

Many farmers across Kansas must make a decision on how to get the most from their drought-damaged corn this year. A number of factors should be considered when assigning a value to drought-damaged corn. Nutrient removal from the field is one key aspect since biomass can export significant amounts of nutrients.

corn forage drought drought stress nutrient availability 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn and sorghum

Drought-stressed crops such as corn and sorghum tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant. Nitrates accumulate when stresses reduce crop yields. Farmers should test their drought-stricken forage prior to harvest. High levels of nitrate can be toxic when fed to livestock.

sorghum corn drought stress nitrate toxicity 

Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development

The July heatwave came at a particularly critical period for the Kansas corn crop this year. Heat stress will have more of an impact on corn during the reproductive stage of growth when combined with drought stress. Stress conditions were very severe in parts of central, south central, and southeast Kansas.

corn drought stress heat stress corn development pollination 

Dryland corn considerations for 2022

Dryland corn in many parts of western KS is struggling. Elevated levels of nitrates are a common concern with drought-stressed plants. This article discusses the best options for these corn fields. Failed dryland corn may fill a gap for livestock producers with limited forage options. Testing prior to feeding will be particularly important.

Drought drought stress dryland corn nitrates 

Drought and heat stress in Kansas soybean fields

Dryland soybean fields have started to experience heat stress combined with long periods without rainfall. This article reviews potential symptoms of drought and heat stress on soybeans. Producers should scout their fields for signs of stress in order to make timely decisions as the growing season progresses.

soybeans drought-tolerant drought stress heat stress 

Causes of yellow wheat - Weather and disease factors

Wheat producers may start seeing some wheat fields turn yellow during this time of the year. There are several reasons for yellow wheat in the spring, including weather conditions during the winter and spring and diseases. Learn more about these factors in this article.

disease yellow wheat freeze injury drought stress cold injury 

Test for nitrates in failed wheat before grazing

Due to prolonged extreme drought conditions, many wheat stands across Kansas are thin and short. Some producers are deciding to graze out their wheat due to very low yield potential. Under certain environmental conditions, cereal grains like wheat and oats, can accumulate potentially toxic nitrate levels.

grazing wheat drought stress nitrate toxicity 

Corn development in Kansas during recent high temperatures

Kansas is in the midst of an impressive heat wave. The impact of this heat is causing concern, particularly related to corn development. This article compares this growing season to conditions in 2022, looking at the number of Stress Degree Days. What does this period of heat stress mean for the yield potential?

corn hot weather drought stress heat stress crop development 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn and sorghum

Drought-stressed crops such as corn and sorghum tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant. It is wise for producers to test their drought-stricken forage prior to harvest. Levels of nitrates can increase in drought-stressed plants after a rain and delaying harvest may be beneficial.

sorghum corn forage drought drought stress nitrate toxicity 

Biomass production and nutrient uptake of drought-damaged corn

A number of factors should be considered when assigning a value to drought-damaged corn. Nutrient removal from the field is one key aspect since biomass can export significant amounts of nutrients. Other factors to consider include the need for residue cover to prevent erosion and conserving soil moisture.

Corn Schools drought nutrient levels drought stress 

Drought and heat stress impacts on soybeans in Kansas

Over the last week, impressive heat has taken hold of Kansas with absolutely no precipitation statewide. Dryland soybean fields are experiencing significant heat and drought stress. This article covers important information related to this stress, including the yield impacts and the use of failed soybeans as a forage.

soybeans drought high temperatures drought stress heat stress 

Alfalfa management options for short or drought-stressed stands

A recent eUpdate article from early September discussed the best time for the last cuttings of alfalfa ahead of the winter months. This article answers some questions related to the last cutting for stands that are shorter than normal or are under drought stress

alfalfa drought stress last cutting 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed forages

Drought-stressed crops tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant, which can be toxic to grazing animals. Crops such as forage and grain sorghum, sudangrass, hybrid sorghum-sudan, and pearl millet are notorious nitrate accumulators. Corn and other cereal grains can also accumulate potentially toxic levels of nitrate.

grazing forage drought stress nitrate toxicity nitrates 
