eUpdate Articles Tagged: disease

Diagnosing rootless corn syndrome

disease corn 

Kansas crop disease summary for 2019 - Corn, soybeans, and sorghum

What were the most prevalent diseases affecting corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum in Kansas during the 2019 growing season? This article recaps the most active diseases affecting summer row crops and discusses the growing conditions that played the biggest role in their development.

disease summary 

What are the causes of yellow wheat?

A common question around this time of year deals with yellow discoloration in wheat. Learn about the different causes for yellow wheat in the spring.

wheat disease yellow wheat nutrient deficiency freeze injury 

Time to start scouting wheat for stripe and leaf rust

With more reports of stripe rust appearing in Oklahoma and a recent report of disease in southeast KS, the time to start scouting wheat fields is now. Photos and scouting tips are featured in this article from K-State Plant Pathologist Dr. Erick DeWolf.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Evaluating the need for foliar fungicides on wheat

Leaf diseases in wheat are often managed by a combination of genetic resistance and crop rotation. However, foliar fungicides may be needed when these practices fail to suppress disease levels. What should producers consider before any treatment application?

wheat disease stripe rust foliar fungicides 

Updated wheat fungicide publication for 2020

The KSRE publication "Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management" has been updated for 2020. Check out this valuable resource when deciding on a fungicide application to wheat.

wheat disease fungicide efficacy 

Wheat disease update for Kansas - May 15, 2020

Stripe rust has been reported in multiple locations across Kansas in recent weeks. More recently, it has been seen in the upper canopy. For a complete wheat disease update, see this article from Extension Plant Pathology.

wheat disease stripe rust loose smut wheat streak mosaic 

Wheat disease update and fungicide considerations

Stripe rust continues to be the top disease story for Kansas wheat in 2020. Leaf rust has also made an appearance. What other diseases should you be looking for and are fungicides still an option? Find out more in this article.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight 

Late-season wheat diseases: Be on the lookout for Fusarium head blight

Be on the lookout for some late-season diseases in wheat across Kansas. Get the latest wheat disease update from K-State Plant Pathology in this article.

wheat disease fusarium head blight head scab 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases: Scouting is key

Corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Learn about the different disease risks factors for corn and when treatment is recommended for susceptible and intermediate hybrids.

corn disease foliar fungicides gray leaf spot bacterial leaf streak 

Updated 2020 Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Rating publication

Variety selection is one of the most important decisions that a grower can make to ensure success on their farm. The Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2020 publication, from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Keep this resource handy when making planting decisions.

wheat insects disease variety selection 

Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans

What diseases are cropping up in corn and soybean fields this summer? For corn, most fungicide applications have been made, except for late-planted fields. Soybeans are generally looking good. Read more about what diseases have been found in soybean fields.

soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 

Management options for Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans

Within the last two weeks, Sudden Death Syndrome has been reported in portions of northeast KS. Yield loss depends on the soybean variety and crop stage when symptoms appear. Management of this disease requires an integrated approach.

disease soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome 

Kansas winter wheat disease summary for 2020

Disease pressure on the winter wheat crop in 2020 was lower than average. Read this summary article from K-State Wheat Pathologist Kelsey Andersen Onofre and learn more on the most prevalent wheat diseases last year in Kansas.

wheat disease summary  

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2021 Kansas wheat crop

With the onset of spring weather, it is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. Producers may be starting to consider disease management plans. Read about the outlook for stripe rust in Kansas for 2021.

wheat disease stripe rust 

What are the causes of yellow wheat?

During this time of the year, it is normal to see some wheat fields turn yellow. The pattern may vary from field to field, sometimes as large areas, small patches, or streaks of yellowish wheat. What are some of the main causes of yellow wheat in the spring?

wheat disease yellow wheat nutrient deficiency 

Time to start scouting wheat for stripe rust: First reports in southeast Kansas

The first reports of stripe rust in Kansas have come in this last week. These reports have been only in the southeastern corner. Growers in south central and southeast Kansas should be scouting their fields in the coming days and weeks.

wheat disease stripe rust scouting 

Soybean seed treatments: Avoiding seedling diseases

As farmers start planting soybeans in Kansas, it is important to consider common causes of seedling damping off and potential management strategies. Learn about the main soybean seedling diseases and what seed treatments are effective in this article.

soybeans disease seed treatment seedling diseases 

Wheat disease update - May 6, 2021

This article summarizes the various wheat disease reports from across Kansas this past week. Several diseases are showing up in different locations, so now is the time to be actively scouting wheat fields.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust wheat streak mosaic 

Evaluating corn fields for nematode damage

There are many disease organisms that can result in the reduction of corn yields in Kansas. The root-lesion nematode operates below ground on the roots and often has no identifiable symptoms other than yield loss.

corn disease root-lesion nematode 

2021 Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Rating publication

Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2021, from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance information is included, as well as profiles that highlight some common or new varieties for Kansas.

wheat insects publication disease variety selection  

Check for stalk rots prior to grain sorghum harvest

It is important to check sorghum fields for stalk rot diseases prior to harvest. The two most common types of stalk rot in sorghum are charcoal rot and Fusarium stalk rot. Even in fields where lodging is has not yet occurred, producers should be prepared to deal with stalk rot issues.

disease stalk rot grain sorghum lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot 

Wheat disease update: April 21, 2022

With dry conditions throughout Kansas, disease pressure has been below average in most scouted locations. At the time of publication of this article, there have been no reports of either stripe rust or leaf rust in Kansas. Additionally, there have been reports of low rust pressure in both Oklahoma and Texas. Dry conditions in the region may be suppressing disease development.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Wheat Disease Update: May 4th 2022

Your wheat disease update as of May 4, 2022, is here! As wheat moves into the flowering stage of growth in southeast Kansas and into heading and boot stages of growth in central Kansas, there are a few diseases that are on the mind of many producers and advisors, including: rusts (stripe and leaf); Fusarium head blight (scab); and wheat streak mosaic virus (and related viruses). In this article you’ll learn about the current outlook for these diseases, and the potential need for management.

wheat disease wheat rust 

Tar spot of corn: A new threat to Kansas corn

Tar spot of corn has been officially detected for the first time in Kansas. Two counties in northeast Kansas have confirmed cases of tar spot. Tar spot was first detected in the US in 2015 and has quickly spread thoughout the Midwest. Now is the critical time to identify fields with tar spot as these locations could be at a higher risk for 2023.

corn disease foliar diseases tar spot 

Aflatoxin in corn: A potential concern for the 2022 season

Aspergillus ear mold is favored by hot and dry conditions and is a concern for the 2022 Kansas corn season. Aspergillus can produce aflatoxin, a known carcinogen that is highly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Producers can reduce the incidence of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins after harvest by taking certain precautions.

corn disease aflatoxin ear mold 

Considerations for early fungicide applications on wheat in 2023

As wheat starts to green-up across the state, questions are coming in about the benefit of early fungicide applications. Research at K-State and in other regions continues to demonstrate that it is often possible to achieve high levels of foliar disease control with a single fungicide applied between flag leaf emergence and heading growth stages.

wheat disease fungicide 

Wheat disease updates and outlook for stripe rust in 2023 Kansas wheat crop

The weather is warming, and wheat has started to green up across the state. It is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. There are several factors that contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region. Learn more in this article from K-State Plant Pathology.

wheat disease stripe rust 

Wheat viruses in Kansas: Who's who?

Wheat viruses are starting to show up across the state. Although some of these viruses can sometimes be difficult to distinguish by eye, they do behave differently in the field. Here is a review of some key facts about wheat viruses and some timely reminders for sample submission to the Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab.

wheat disease wheat streak mosaic wheat virus barley yellow dwarf 

Causes of yellow wheat - Weather and disease factors

Wheat producers may start seeing some wheat fields turn yellow during this time of the year. There are several reasons for yellow wheat in the spring, including weather conditions during the winter and spring and diseases. Learn more about these factors in this article.

disease yellow wheat freeze injury drought stress cold injury 

Kansas wheat disease update - May 11, 2023

The first incidence of stripe rust was detected this week in irrigated wheat. Dry conditions have remained unfavorable for stripe rust development. Recent rain showers in some areas have led to low levels of tan spot. There is a slightly elevated risk in some south central and southeastern counties for Fusarium head blight.

wheat disease stripe rust fusarium head blight tan spot 

Fusarium head blight outlook and fungicide recommendations

Wet weather has been creeping into northeast Kansas this week resulting in conditions favorable for Fusarium head blight (scab). In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases.

disease wheat fusarium head blight thin wheat wheat scab scab 

Wheat Disease Field Day in Manhattan - June 5, 2023

The Department of Plant Pathology and K-State Research and Extension will be hosting a wheat disease field day on Monday, June 5 at the Rocky Ford Plant Pathology Farm just north of Manhattan. This will be a great opportunity to see several wheat diseases in the field. Get registered soon!

wheat disease Field Day 

Wheat Disease Field Day in Manhattan - June 5, 2023

The Department of Plant Pathology and K-State Research and Extension will be hosting a wheat disease field day on Monday, June 5 at the Rocky Ford Plant Pathology Farm just north of Manhattan. This will be a great opportunity to see several wheat diseases in the field. It's not too late to get signed up!

wheat disease Field Day 

What impact will late-season stripe rust have on the wheat crop?

Rainy, cool weather late in the season has led to trace levels of stripe rust showing up in many counties in central and western Kansas. Most fields in Kansas are past the pre-harvest intervals for a fungicide application and no application should be considered at this point. Read more about late-season stripe rust in this article.

disease wheat fungicide stripe rust 

Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities

As wheat harvest progresses in Kansas, this article provides some reminders about diseases that may affect either grain quality or the viability of grain that is destined to be saved for seed. While most disease management decisions have been made, there are some strategies for mitigating losses on heavily infected fields.

wheat disease harvest loose smut fusarium head blight common bunt black point sooty mold 

Southern rust is in Kansas and spreading quickly

Southern rust in corn has officially been confirmed in Kansas for this growing season. As of August 3, six counties in central Kansas have confirmed cases of southern rust. Producers are encouraged to scout their fields and report any suspected disease outbreaks. Learn more in this article.

corn disease southern rust 

Tar Spot of corn is confirmed in five counties in Kansas

Tar spot of corn has been confirmed in five counties in Kansas. Fungicides are an effective tool for controlling tar spot if applied at the appropriate time. A well-timed, informed fungicide application will be important to reduce disease severity when it is needed. Learn more about if and when a fungicide application will be beneficial.

corn disease fungicide tar spot 

Southern rust is now active in central and eastern Kansas

Southern corn rust continues to spread in the southern part of the US and is now detected in seven counties across central and eastern Kansas. This article lists the counties with confirmed cases of southern rust and answers some frequently asked questions related to this disease.

corn disease southern rust 

Update on tar spot of corn - August 10, 2023

Tar spot is now active in all Kansas counties previously reported during the 2022 season, which was first detected late in the season on Sept. 15, 2022. Tar spot prevalence and severity seem to be much higher than in the 2022 season. Now is a critical time to identify fields with tar spot as these locations may be at higher risk for the disease next year.

corn disease tar spot 

Have problems with Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans?

Do you have problems with Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soybeans? We are in search of grower fields with symptomatic Sudden Death Syndrome plants for us to sample. Within the past two weeks, SDS has been reported in several counties in the eastern and central parts of Kansas. Contact us if you can help!

disease soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome SDS 

Wheat streak mosaic virus: Early control of volunteer is crucial

Wheat streak mosaic virus could be problematic this coming season, with rainfall encouraging volunteer development in parts of Kansas. One of the best preventative measures for wheat streak is the control of volunteer wheat early and often after harvest. Other than timely control of volunteer wheat, genetic resistance is also an important tool to help control wheat streak mosaic virus.

disease volunteer wheat wheat wheat streak mosaic 

Tar Spot of corn is confirmed in double the counties in Kansas from last season

Tar spot of corn continues to spread in northeast Kansas. To date, it has been confirmed in 12 counties, twice the number from when it was first detected in Kansas late last season. Tar spot prevalence and severity are much higher than in the 2022 season. Before harvest is a critical time to identify fields with tar spot.

corn disease tar spot 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. Lodging results in harvest losses and slows down harvesting considerably. Grain moisture levels may also be high in lodged corn. This article discusses some of the common causes of stalk lodging in corn.

stalk rot corn disease lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot 

K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab Samples - "The Good", "The Sick", and "The Ugly"

Quality plant disease diagnostics begins with the person collecting the sample. The ideal sample submission includes more than just the diseased plant. Learn about the proper sample submission procedures when collecting plant samples for clinical diagnosis of diseases.

disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab sample collection 

Stripe rust distribution and risk assessment for Kansas - April 25, 2024

The wheat crop is moving quickly and is ahead of schedule in many locations. Now is a critical time to assess the need for a foliar fungicide application. Regions in the state that are expecting high moisture over the coming days may be at risk for more severe disease development.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust foliar fungicides 

Possible causes for white heads in wheat

White heads have been appearing in many wheat fields around Kansas. Sometimes, they are just single tillers scattered throughout part or all of a field, and sometimes, they occur in small-to-large patches. There are many causes of white heads. Here are some of the most common causes and their diagnoses.

wheat Drought disease freeze injury white heads 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases in 2024

We are entering the time window in Kansas when corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Several fields in eastern Kansas are approaching the V14-VT (tassel) development stage. This article has information on four different fungal diseases of corn.

corn disease fungicides fungal disease 

Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities

As the wheat harvest in Kansas is in full swing, it's crucial to remember the diseases that can impact grain quality or seed viability. Most disease management decisions have been made by now, but it's not too late to implement strategies to mitigate losses on heavily infected fields.

wheat disease harvest 

Low levels of corn stunt disease have been confirmed in Kansas

Corn stunt disease and its associated vector, the corn leafhopper, have been recently confirmed in five counties in Kansas. To our knowledge, this is the first detection of the disease in Kansas. In this article, learn more about how this disease spreads, what to look for in the field, and how to submit a tissue sample for testing.

corn disease corn stunt corn leafhopper 

Corn stunt spiroplasma: A new threat to Kansas corn

Corn stunt spiroplasma has been confirmed in 26 counties in Kansas. Recent scouting efforts across Kansas have confirmed active leaf hoppers in many additional counties. High levels of disease were found in late-planted corn, leading to potential yield reduction. In this article, learn more about this new disease, its spread, and the best method for submitting samples for lab testing.

disease corn stunt corn leafhopper corn spiroplasma 

2024 K-State Crop Pest Management Schools - Nov. 19 and 20

K-State Research and Extension and the Northwest/North Central Extension Districts are hosting two Crop Pest Management Schools in mid-November. The first one is set for Nov. 19 in Beloit, and the second one will take place on Nov. 20 in Dighton. Join us in person to learn how to control the latest pests - weeds, insects, and diseases - affecting all crops in central and western Kansas.

insects weed control disease Crop Pest Schools meetings  
