eUpdate Articles Tagged: Crop Talk

Crop Talk webinar series will continue through the end of February

The popular K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicked off on February 7. If you missed the first session, there are still 3 more Tuesdays in February. Topics still to be covered include climate-smart agriculture, alternative weed control research in Kansas, and everything you want to know about corn tillers.

webinars Crop Talk  

Crop Talk webinar series will continue through the end of February

There are still two more weeks of the Crop Talk webinar series. This series is focused on agronomic topics for producers in northwest and north central Kansas. The next session on Feb. 21 features Sarah Lancaster sharing information on alternative weed control research from Kansas.

webinars Crop Talk 

K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicks off on February 20

The popular K-State Crop Talk webinar series is back and set to start on Feb. 20. This year, Crop Talk will be focused on agronomic topics for producers across the western half of Kansas. Each webinar will begin at 12:00 pm (CST) and last until 1:00 pm. This article has a complete list of webinars with dates, topics, and speakers.

Crop Talk 

K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicks off on February 20

The popular K-State Crop Talk webinar series is back and kicked off on February 20. There is still time to catch the following three Crop Talk webinars. Join us over your lunch hour to hear about different agronomy topics affecting farmers in central and western Kansas.

virtual webinars Crop Talk  

Don't miss the last K-State Crop Talk webinar on March 12

The last of the 2024 Crop Talk webinars is set for March 12 from noon to 1:00 p.m. K-State agronomist Dr. Lucas Haag will discuss fallow replacement options in dryland crop rotations. This webinar is free to attend. Please read the article to learn how to register.

virtual webinar Crop Talk