eUpdate Articles Tagged: crop residue

What factors should be considered before baling or burning wheat residue?

Following wheat harvest some producers might be thinking about baling or burning their wheat stubble. Factors to consider include loss of nutrients, protection from erosion, soil moisture and infiltration rates, and soil quality concerns.

soil erosion wheat stubble crop residue 

Soil versus air temperatures: Understanding the relationship

During the bitterly cold period in mid-February, air temperatures dropped as low as -30 F in some locations. Soil temperatures, however, did not get near that cold. Several interacting factors control soil temperature flux. Learn some basic principles about soil temperature changes in this article.

soil soil moisture soil temperature crop residue freezing temperatures 

Crop residue decomposition and nutrient release rates

Crop residue is often considered to be a valuable source of nutrients, especially when the residue is from a nitrogen-fixing legume. Learns what factors determine the amount of nutrient release and how quickly residues are decomposed.

cover crops crop residue decomposition C:N ratio 

Crop residues: Nutritive value and options for grazing

Crop residue yield and nutrient content are dependent on grain yield, fertility, harvest date, and conditions at harvest. While not all acres are suitable for grazing, crop residue in Kansas represents a sizable resource. Learn about what needs to be considered when grazing residue.

grazing crop residue 

Consider the value of soil residue before baling or burning wheat stubble

Some producers might think about baling or burning their wheat stubble following wheat harvest. While burning is inexpensive and baling provides additional income, it is important to understand the true value of leaving crop residue in the field. Learn more in this article from soil management specialist DeAnn Presley.

wheat erosion burning crop residue wind erosion 

Management considerations before baling corn residue

Kansas produces around 5.5 million acres of corn and 9,800,000 tons of corn residue annually. Although baling crop residues provides additional income, producers should consider the potential impacts that residue removal may have on soil and crop health and long-term sustainability.

soil conservation forage erosion crop residue 

Crop residues: Nutritive value and options for grazing

Crop residue yield and nutrient contents depend on grain yield, fertility, harvest date, and harvest conditions. The duration and timing of grazing initiation also impact residue nutrient content. This article discusses the varying nutritive values for crop residues and the options for grazing.

grazing forage crop residue