eUpdate Articles Tagged: Corn Yield Contest

Summary of 2019 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, conducted a Kansas Corn Yield Contest for the 2019 growing season. This article summarizes the results of the contest and discusses the management practices associated with the highest yielding entries.

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2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Now that corn is in the ground and growing, harvest in Kansas will be here before you know it. Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, will conduct a 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. Find out more in this article.

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2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Now that corn is in the ground and growing, harvest in Kansas will be here before you know it. Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, will conduct the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. Find out how to entry in this article!

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2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, will conduct a 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. The contest is a fun way for producers to showcase their high yielding and high quality corn with other growers in the state. Cash awards will be awarded at the district and state levels.

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2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - Registration deadline August 31

The registration deadline for the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest is just a couple weeks away! Don't miss this opportunity to enter your high-yielding crop in the contest! Registration deadline is August 31.

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2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

It may only be mid-June, but summer goes by fast and corn harvest will be upon us! Corn growers in Kansas are to keep in mind the Kansas Corn Yield Contest before they fire up the combines this year. Details about this year's contest are in this article.

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2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

In case you missed this announcement in last week's eUpdate, check out this article on the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. New this year, the Kansas Corn Yield Contest has joined the National Corn Yield Contest. Don't miss your chance to showcase your high-yielding corn!

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Don't miss out on entering the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Corn fields in Kansas are rapidly approaching maturity and harvest is just around the corner! Don't forget to sign up for the 2021 Corn Yield Contest. Initial entry deadlines are coming up soon. See this article for more information on this year's contest.

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Kansas Corn Yield Contest: New publication summarizing 2021 management practices

K-State Research and Extension has released a new publication summarizing the results and management practices from the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. The publication, MF3463 is titled Kansas Corn Yield Contest, High-Yield Management 2021.

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Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Early deadline June 30

The early entry deadline for the 2022 Corn Yield Contest is today - June 30! After June 30, there is a small increase in the entry fee, but registration will remain open until August 17. To participate in the Kansas contest, you must enter the National Corn Yield Contest. All the details can be found in this article.

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2022 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - High yield management

The Kansas Corn Growers Association, with K-State Research and Extension, conducts an annual yield contest open to all active members of the association. This article summarizes the results from the 82 harvest entries for Kansas in 2022.

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Fungicide considerations for corn diseases in 2023

Corn producers should be actively scouting for several fungal diseases including Southern rust, common rust, gray leaf spot, and tar spot. Scouting allows for the best assessment for timely and effective fungicide applications. Learn more in this article from Row Crop Disease Specialist Rodrigo Onofre.

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Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Early deadline June 30

The Kansas Corn Yield Contest is sponsored by Kansas Corn and K-State Research and Extension. The Kansas contest allows Kansas farmers to compete for cash prizes and recognition and see how their yields stack up against other growers in their area. The early entry deadline is June 30. Learn about some updates to the contest and how to enter in this article.

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2024 Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Early registration deadline is June 30

Registration is now open for the Kansas and National Corn Yield Contest. Celebrating a remarkable milestone, Kansas Corn joins the National Corn Growers Association in announcing the launch of the 60th annual National Corn Yield Contest. The Kansas Corn Yield Contest partners with the national contest to recognize and award Kansas growers.

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Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Final entry deadline is August 14

Don't miss your chance to participate in the National and Kansas Corn Yield Contests! Registration is still open, and the final entry deadline is August 14. The Kansas Corn Yield Contest is linked to the national contest, allowing growers to submit one registration and one harvest form for both the national and state contests. Check it out!

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