eUpdate Articles Tagged: corn rootworm

Summer insect activity - Corn rootworms, click beetles, and bean leaf beetles

This article discusses some of the current insect activity in summer row crops in portions of Kansas. Each insect is discussed and is accompanied by photos.

insects corn rootworm bean leaf beetles 

Soil temperature impacts on western corn rootworm eggs

The recent Arctic-like weather raises some questions about insect pressure for the upcoming growing season, particularly for the western corn rootworm. Will this severe cold snap kill eggs that are currently lying dormant in the field?

insects soil temperature corn rootworm 

Estimating western corn rootworm egg hatch and adult emergence

Degree-day models are useful tools for estimating the development of different insects, allowing us to predict when potential pests might begin to impact a crop. For the Western Corn Rootworm, degree-day calculations can be used to determine the onset of egg hatch in an area, peak egg hatch, and the timing of adult emergence.

corn rootworm growing degree days western corn rootworm 

Free webinar on a new method for control of corn rootworm - Feb. 23

K-State Research and Extension will host a one-hour webinar starting at 9:30 a.m. on February 23, 2020, highlighting nematodes that kill corn rootworm larvae but are safe for plants.

corn rootworm webinars nematodes 

Webinar on controlling corn rootworm with nematodes - February 22

K-State Research and Extension will host a one-hour webinar starting at 9:30 am on February 22 highlighting results from on-farm applications in western Kansas, western Nebraska, and eastern Colorado using nematodes to control corn rootworm larvae.

corn rootworm webinars 

Corn rootworm egg hatch has begun in Kansas

Western corn rootworm resistance to Bt corn continues to be an issue in continuous corn in the United States. Evaluating corn roots for rootworm damage during the growing season is highly recommended. Eggs should begin hatching after approximately 380-degree days have accumulated. Learn more in this article.

insects corn corn rootworm degree days 

Corn rootworm egg hatch has begun in Kansas

Corn rootworm degree day accumulation for the northern half of Kansas is ahead of the same time last year, and egg hatching should begin in one to two weeks in most locations. Southern portions of Kansas are just slightly behind last year. Evaluating corn roots for rootworm damage during the growing season is highly recommended.

insects corn corn rootworm degree days CRW