eUpdate Articles Tagged: corn

2018 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available

corn Performance Tests 

Summary of 2018 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

corn yield results 

Forecasting Kansas corn yields for 2019

What is a yield-forecasting tool and how is this tool used? How well does it predict corn yields in KS compared to actual yields? Find out more in this article.

corn yield forecast 

Crop management publications updated for 2020: Corn, Soybeans, and Sorghum

Be ready for the 2020 growing season with these three updated crop management publications from the Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension. These comprehensive guides are written specifically for Kansas and contain valuable agronomic information.

soybeans sorghum corn publication  

2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available

The 2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report is now available.Corn performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Producers and crop consultants can use this resource to help select corn hybrids for their operation.

corn Performance Tests 

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations

Optimal corn seeding rates can depend on a number of different factors. K-State's Crop Production Specialist, Dr. Ciampitti, discusses those factors and offers guidelines for producers as corn planting time draws closer.

corn seeding rate hybrid plant density environment 

Soil temperature and moisture update in Kansas - April 2, 2020

Selection of the optimal planting date is an important decision faced by all farmers. Rather than looking at the calendar, farmers should monitor soil temperature and moisture. Read the latest update from K-State Extension Agronomy.

corn soil moisture soil temperature planting date 

Pre-emergence herbicides for corn

Applications of pre-emergence herbicides at or before corn planting are important to minimize yield losses to early-emerging weeds. Learn more about this weed management practice in this article.

corn weed control pre-plant herbicide 

Placement and rate considerations for nitrogen application with starter fertilizer

What types of considerations concerning placement and rates of starter fertilizer should producers keep in mind this spring? Read more from Dr. Ruiz Diaz, K-State's Soil Fertility Extension Specialist.

corn nitrogen starter fertilizer phosphorus 

Soil temperature update for Kansas - April 10, 2020

As air temperatures keep fluctuating, so the soil temperatures. Producers need to closely monitor current soil temps and the upcoming weather forecasts to avoid any potential seedling injury to corn this spring.

corn soil temperature planting date emergence 

Cold soils can lead to chilling injury for newly planted corn

Cold temperatures can result in injury to the germinating corn seed as it absorbs moisture - a problem called imbibitional chilling injury. Damage can occur when soil temperatures are at or below 50 F.

corn soil temperature chilling injury cold soil 

Diagnosing early-season growth problems in corn

Getting a good stand of corn, with vigorous early-season growth, is the first step in getting desirable yields. When adverse conditions occur after planting and emergence, producers monitor the crop for early-season growth problems.

corn injury nutrient deficiency abnormal growth lodging 

UPDATE - Soil temperature and cold injury for corn

As a cool front impacts Kansas in early May, keep an eye soil temperatures with respect to planting corn and soybeans. Chilling injury can occur if soil temperatures drop too low.

corn soil temperature chilling injury cold soil 

Soil temperatures continue a roller coaster pattern in early May

Soil temperatures continue to take a roller coaster ride heading into mid-May. Extension Agronomy has been continually monitoring both soil and air temperatures this spring. Read this latest update here.

corn soil temperature chilling injury 

Corn planting and emergence progress report for Kansas and selected Corn Belt states

According to the latest USDA report, corn planting in Kansas is well over halfway complete for the 2020 season. How does this compare with previous years? What is the outlook moving into the last week of May?

corn emergence planting progress 

Purple color in corn seedlings: Cause for concern?

Cool temperatures this spring, combined with recent rainfall, has slowed plant growth for newly-emerged corn. As a result, purple discoloration is showing up in some fields. Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti discusses this phenomenon and its implications.

corn purple slow growth 

Green snap in corn

Some recent storms and high winds this spring have caused significant stalk breakage in corn fields. With these storms, it is not unusual to have up to 40% of stalks in some fields broken off at ground level. This is usually referred to as green snap, brittle corn, or brittle snap.

corn green snap high winds stalk breakage 

Corn leaf diseases in Kansas

There are several leaf diseases that can infect corn in Kansas in any given year. They can all be controlled with some combination of hybrid selection, tillage management, crop rotation, planting dates, or foliar fungicides.

corn leaf diseases southern rust leaf blight Goss's wilt gray leaf spot common rust 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent in-season “quality control” tool. Plant analysis can be used by Kansas farmers in two basic ways: for diagnostic purposes, and for monitoring nutrient levels at a common growth stage.

corn plant analysis nutrient levels 

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn

The month of June has been hot across many locations in Kansas. The combination of heat and drought stress during certain growth stages in corn can be problematic. Read more from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti and the Kansas Climate team.

corn high temperatures drought stress GDD heat stress 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases: Scouting is key

Corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Learn about the different disease risks factors for corn and when treatment is recommended for susceptible and intermediate hybrids.

corn disease foliar fungicides gray leaf spot bacterial leaf streak 

First report of southern rust in Kansas for 2020

Southern rust in corn has been detected in both Kansas and Nebraska. Get answers to the most common questions associated with this corn disease in this article from K-State Plant Pathology.

corn southern rust scouting foliar diseases 

Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development

Recent high temperatures occurred at a particularly critical period for the Kansas corn crop. Temperatures last week were unfavorable for a significant portion of Kansas. Heat stress during critical stages could lead to yield reductions.

corn high temperatures corn development 

Learn how to estimate corn yield potential

Once tasseling, silking, and pollination are complete, or nearly complete, producers can begin to estimate corn yield potential. To get a reasonable yield estimate, corn should be in the milk, dough, or dent stage. Learn how to get an early estimate of yield potential in this article.

corn yield potential yield estimates 

Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans

What diseases are cropping up in corn and soybean fields this summer? For corn, most fungicide applications have been made, except for late-planted fields. Soybeans are generally looking good. Read more about what diseases have been found in soybean fields.

soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 

Learn about the rate of dry down in corn before harvest

As the end of the growing season arrives in Kansas, a common question from growers relates to the dry down for corn. This rate depends on the weather, primarily temperature and moisture conditions. Learn more in this article from Dr. Ciampitti.

drydown corn 

Corn production issues - Droopy ears

There have been reports of "droopy" ears in some corn fields across parts of Kansas. What factors led to this issue and what is the potential impact to final yield in those fields?

corn droopy ears 

2021 Corn Management publication and Corn Schools

The 2021 K-State Corn Management publication is now available online. This publication is a great resource and covers all aspects of corn production in Kansas.

corn Corn Schools publication  

Summer row crop disease summary for Kansas in 2020

In general, disease pressure was lower than normal for corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum. The dry weather at critical growth periods contributed to lower incidences of yield-limiting diseases. Read more in this article from Extension Plant Pathology.

soybeans sorghum corn summary row crops diseases  

2020 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available

The 2020 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report is now available. This resource can help growers select corn hybrids for their operation by checking for varieties that show a consistently good performance in their region.

corn Performance Tests hybrid  

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds/seedlings as they germinate or emerge are an important component of herbicide applications at or before the time of corn planting. Learn about the different options in this article from Weeds Specialist Sarah Lancaster.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations

Deciding on the optimal corn seeding rates for your fields can be tricky when you factor in the hybrid, environmental conditions, and management practices. Learn more about this process and what new research is being done at K-State to help producers make this decision.

corn seeding rate plant density plant population yield environment 

Soil temperature update and cold injury concerns for corn

Cold temperatures can result in injury to the germinating seed as it is absorbing moisture – a problem called imbibitional chilling injury. Damage to germinating seeds can occur when soil temperatures remain at or below 50 degrees F after planting.

corn soil temperature cold soil cold injury 

Effect of standing water and saturated soils on corn growth

Many parts of Kansas have received considerable amounts of rain the last couple of weeks. If corn has been planted, standing water or saturated soil conditions in areas of a field can produce impacts now or later for corn. Read about the potential impacts to corn in this article.

corn flooded fields saturated soils nitrogen loss 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent in-season “quality control” tool. It can be especially valuable for managing secondary and micronutrients that do not have high-quality, reliable soil tests available, and for providing insight into how efficiently you are using applied nutrients.

corn tissue testing nutrient anaylsis 

Evaluating corn fields for nematode damage

There are many disease organisms that can result in the reduction of corn yields in Kansas. The root-lesion nematode operates below ground on the roots and often has no identifiable symptoms other than yield loss.

corn disease root-lesion nematode 

Status of disease pressure in corn - June 25, 2021

This article provides an update on the status southern rust and common rust on corn in Kansas as of June 25, 2021. Also discussed is an unusual symptom showing up in select northeast Kansas field called lesion mimic.

corn southern rust common rust foliar diseases 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases: Scouting is key

Corn producers in Kansas should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Different diseases are discussed in this article with management recommendations.

corn fungicide foliar fungicides foliar diseases 

First report of southern rust in Kansas for 2021

Southern rust has been detected in southern Kansas. This is the first confirmed report in Kansas for this growing season. Corn producers are encouraged to be actively scouting their fields. This disease can spread quickly if temperature and humidity are high.

corn disease southern rust crop scouting 

Southern rust has been reported in additional counties in Kansas

Southern rust has been reported in two additional counties in Kansas since the last update on July 8. While levels are low, recent weather in some areas has been favorable for disease development. Early detection is crucial for successful management of this corn disease.

corn disease leaf diseases southern rust 

Estimating corn yield potential

With pollination complete or mostly complete in corn fields across Kansas, producers can begin to get an estimate of the yield potential. This article discusses using the yield component method to estimate corn yields in the weeks before harvest.

corn yield potential 

Don't miss out on entering the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Corn fields in Kansas are rapidly approaching maturity and harvest is just around the corner! Don't forget to sign up for the 2021 Corn Yield Contest. Initial entry deadlines are coming up soon. See this article for more information on this year's contest.

corn Corn Yield Contest  

Corn production issues - Droopy ears

As the corn crop in Kansas approaches maturity, some reports are coming in regarding "droopy" ears. Learn more about this corn productions issue and what the potential impacts might be when it's harvest time.

corn droopy ears photosynthesis solar radiation 

New research examines tillering impacts on corn yields

Corn tillering is a form of plant adaptation to the growing conditions. Historically, corn tillers have been viewed negatively, although research studies have shown conflicting results about yield impacts. A new study, with sites across KS, has shed some light on the tillering impacts to corn yield.

corn tillering yield impacts 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. When this occurs, it results in harvest losses and slows down harvest. This article discusses the most common causes for stalk lodging in corn.

stalk rot corn lodging 

Kansas Corn Schools scheduled for early 2022

K-State Research and Extension is partnering with Kansas Corn to offer five winter learning sessions for Kansas corn farmers. The schools will cover a number of issues facing corn producers and are tailored to each region.

corn Corn Schools meeting  

Corn and soybean management publications updated for 2022

K-State Research and Extension has recently released two updated publications for the 2022 growing season: Kansas Corn Management and Kansas Soybean Management. These comprehensive guides are written specifically for Kansas and offer valuable, up-to-date information.

soybeans corn publication  

Kansas Corn Schools scheduled for early 2022

There are three in-person Corn Schools still on the calendar (Salina, Parsons, and Hiawatha). Get registered to attend of these events. There is also a virtual Corn School scheduled for February 3rd. Don't miss your chance to attend this popular event!

corn Corn Schools  

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared some general information about applying pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This article focuses on specific recommendations for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season.

grain sorghum corn weed control kochia 

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations

The optimal corn seeding rate can depend on several different factors. This article offers guidelines that can help producers understand the different factors in order to make the best decision when selecting a corn seeding rate.

corn yield potential seeding rate yield environment 

Adjust corn plant density for the coming 2022 season

As planting season for corn is around the corner, producers need to determine their corn seeding rates. Plant density needs to be determined seasonally, depending on the expected growing conditions. In rainy years, a producer may increase the target plant density and obtain an increase in profit provided there is sufficient nitrogen fertilization. Under dry conditions, farmers should consider cutting back on plant density. This applies primarily to dryland corn production.

corn plant density 

Effect of late planting dates on corn yield

Yields of dryland corn are often related to the conditions at pollination. Yields of late-planted dryland corn can range from 50 to 70% to more than 100% of the highest yield of corn at earlier planting dates, depending on environmental conditions. Late-planted dryland corn does best when conditions are unfavorable (too cool and wet) early, but then become more favorable in mid-summer. On the other hand, yields of late-planted corn typically decrease dramatically when conditions are favorable early in the season, but become hot and dry in mid-summer.

corn late planting 

Kansas Corn Yield Contest: New publication summarizing 2021 management practices

K-State Research and Extension has released a new publication summarizing the results and management practices from the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. The publication, MF3463 is titled Kansas Corn Yield Contest, High-Yield Management 2021.

corn Corn Yield Contest 

Optimal time for sampling corn nematode is between V5 to V7 growth stage

There are many disease organisms that can reduce corn yields in Kansas. One of the stealthiest is the root-lesion nematode (RLN) because it operates below ground on the roots and often has no specific, identifiable symptoms other than yield loss. It is present, at some level, in nearly all corn fields in the state. Historically the largest yield losses, which can exceed 40 percent in individual fields, occur in western Kansas where irrigated, no-till, continuous corn production systems in sandy soils are common. Learn more about when and how to inspect RLN in your corn field.

corn nematodes sampling 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent diagnostic tool to help understand some of the variation among corn plants in the field. This testing can also be used for general monitoring or quality control purposes. There are different guidelines for tissue collection depending on how you plan to use the test results.

corn plant analysis nutrient levels tissue testing 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases in 2022

corn fungicide foliar fungicides foliar diseases crop scouting 

EPA proposes changes to address Bt resistance in corn ear pests

Corn earworm, fall armyworm, and western bean cutworm all can impact corn yields. These ear-feeding pests have largely been controlled through the use of Bt corn varieties. However, these pests have developed some resistance to the Bt traits. In light of this resistance, the EPA has proposed some changes regarding the use of Bt corn. Learn more in this article.

insects corn 

Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

The majority of corn in Kansas has reached the reproductive stage or is close. Farmers can now start estimating the yield potential of their crop. This article discusses how to use the "yield component method" for estimating corn yields.

corn yield potential yield components 

Biomass production and nutrient uptake of drought-damaged corn

Many farmers across Kansas must make a decision on how to get the most from their drought-damaged corn this year. A number of factors should be considered when assigning a value to drought-damaged corn. Nutrient removal from the field is one key aspect since biomass can export significant amounts of nutrients.

corn forage drought drought stress nutrient availability 

Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development

The July heatwave came at a particularly critical period for the Kansas corn crop this year. Heat stress will have more of an impact on corn during the reproductive stage of growth when combined with drought stress. Stress conditions were very severe in parts of central, south central, and southeast Kansas.

corn drought stress heat stress corn development pollination 

First report of southern rust in Kansas

Southern rust has been detected in northeast Kansas, making this the first report of 2022. The severity will be dependent on the weather. Southern rust likes 90-degree days, warm nights, and high humidity. Get answers to the most questions about southern rust in this article from K-State plant pathologist, Dr. Rodrigo Borba Onofre.

corn southern rust foliar diseases 

Corn harvest efficiency - Get the most from your crop

This year has been a challenging year for crop production, especially corn, with above-average temperatures and below-average rainfall. Minimizing yield losses during harvest operations is even more important. Harvest inefficiency reduces overall yield and can cause future problems because of volunteer corn

corn harvest volunteer corn harvest efficiency 

Corn harvest efficiency - Adjusting combine settings

Corn has been growing in a hot and dry summer, which will certainly limit grain yield in 2022. Thus, adjusting combine settings can be very helpful in reducing yield loss during harvest operations. Now is the time to prepare for harvest by getting equipment in optimal operating conditions.

corn harvest harvest efficiency 

Drought and heat stress in Kansas corn fields

Since the end of June, rainfall has been sporadic and uneven across Kansas. In central and western Kansas, several corn fields under dryland conditions have been suffering a combination of drought and heat stress. Common symptoms of drought/heat stress in corn are discussed in this article.

corn Drought heat stress yield loss 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. This results in harvest losses and slows down harvesting considerably. Stalk rots occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from disease organisms and environmental factors.

corn lodging fusarium stalk rot stalk rots 

Tar spot of corn: A new threat to Kansas corn

Tar spot of corn has been officially detected for the first time in Kansas. Two counties in northeast Kansas have confirmed cases of tar spot. Tar spot was first detected in the US in 2015 and has quickly spread thoughout the Midwest. Now is the critical time to identify fields with tar spot as these locations could be at a higher risk for 2023.

corn disease foliar diseases tar spot 

Aflatoxin in corn: A potential concern for the 2022 season

Aspergillus ear mold is favored by hot and dry conditions and is a concern for the 2022 Kansas corn season. Aspergillus can produce aflatoxin, a known carcinogen that is highly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Producers can reduce the incidence of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins after harvest by taking certain precautions.

corn disease aflatoxin ear mold 

Tar spot of corn is now confirmed in five counties in Kansas

Tar spot of corn has now been confirmed in five counties in northeast Kansas. Tar spot lesions are black, raised and have a round/elliptical shape. This pathogen can survive in crop residue. Producers are encouraged to scout any standing corn fields. Fields with confirmed causes should be harvested last if possible to mitigate disease spread.

corn disease foliar diseases tar spot 

Save the date for the 2023 Kansas Corn Schools

Save the date for the 2023 Kansas Corn Schools. The Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension, in partnership with Kansas Corn, are planning to host several Corn Schools in 2023. Dates and locations are set and agendas will be announced soon.

corn Corn Schools  

Corn planting and frost risk in central and eastern Kansas

Planting corn later in the season increases the chances of receiving late-summer rains and reduces the effect of heat stress during flowering. However, final planting dates for crop insurance eligibility provide a limit for late planting. This article summarizes the resutls from a recent study on corn planting dates and frost risk in central and eastern Kansas.

corn planting date 

Corn management in Kansas for 2023

Spring planting will be here soon! Check out this updated publication on corn management in Kansas. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and offers guidelines to manage corn as efficiently and profitably as possible.

corn publication  

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds/seedlings as they germinate or emerge are an important component of herbicide applications at or before the time of corn planting. Many cases of herbicide-resistant weeds have resulted from over-reliance on post-emergence herbicide applications, thus it is essential to include one or more residual herbicides available for corn.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations

The optimal corn seeding rate is a management factor that depends on the corn hybrid and its interaction with the environment. This article offers guidelines to help producers determine if their corn seeding rates need to be adjusted. Recommended seeding rates in this article attempt to account for the different growing environments in Kansas.

corn seeding rate yield environment 

Starter fertilizer for corn - Nitrogen placement and rate

Starter fertilizer is typically considered as the placement of a small rate of fertilizer, usually nitrogen and phosphorus, near the seed at planting time. Producers can apply most of the nitrogen needed by corn at planting as long as the fertilizer placement provides enough soil separation between the fertilizer and the seed.

corn spring planting fertilizer starter fertilizer in-furrow 

Corn plant density adjustments for 2023

As the planting season for corn begins, producers need to decide their corn seeding rates. The plant density necessary to optimize yields depends on the expected resource availability, primarily water and nutrients. For 2023, the key factor is linked to water availability at planting and the precipitation forecast for this season.

corn seeding rate plant density 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases in 2023

Corn producers should be actively scouting for several fungal diseases including Southern rust, common rust, gray leaf spot, and tar spot. Scouting allows for the best assessment for timely and effective fungicide applications. Learn more in this article from Row Crop Disease Specialist Rodrigo Onofre.

corn Corn Yield Contest yield 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis for nutrients is an excellent in-season “quality control” tool. It can be especially valuable for managing secondary and micronutrients that do not have high-quality, reliable soil tests available. Plant analysis can be used for diagnostic purposes and to monitor nutrient levels at a certain growth stage. Learn more in this article about using this test for corn.

corn Soil Testing Lab nutrient deficiency tissue testing nutrient anaylsis 

Assessing hail damage to corn

Severe thunderstorms and hail are nothing new to Kansas farmers. During this time of year, the threat level is high and parts of Kansas have already seen some destructive hail events in July. Many questions arise after hail events about the status of field crops. This article covers how to assess hail damage to corn.

weather corn hail severe weather 

Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

Once pollination is complete or near completion, farmers can begin to estimate corn yield potential. To obtain a reasonable estimate, corn should be at least in the milk stage. This article discusses an approach to estimating corn yields - the yield component method. This approach uses a combination of known and projected yield components.

corn yield potential yield components 

Corn development in Kansas during recent high temperatures

Kansas is in the midst of an impressive heat wave. The impact of this heat is causing concern, particularly related to corn development. This article compares this growing season to conditions in 2022, looking at the number of Stress Degree Days. What does this period of heat stress mean for the yield potential?

corn hot weather drought stress heat stress crop development 

Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn and sorghum

Drought-stressed crops such as corn and sorghum tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant. It is wise for producers to test their drought-stricken forage prior to harvest. Levels of nitrates can increase in drought-stressed plants after a rain and delaying harvest may be beneficial.

sorghum corn forage drought drought stress nitrate toxicity 

Southern rust is in Kansas and spreading quickly

Southern rust in corn has officially been confirmed in Kansas for this growing season. As of August 3, six counties in central Kansas have confirmed cases of southern rust. Producers are encouraged to scout their fields and report any suspected disease outbreaks. Learn more in this article.

corn disease southern rust 

Tar Spot of corn is confirmed in five counties in Kansas

Tar spot of corn has been confirmed in five counties in Kansas. Fungicides are an effective tool for controlling tar spot if applied at the appropriate time. A well-timed, informed fungicide application will be important to reduce disease severity when it is needed. Learn more about if and when a fungicide application will be beneficial.

corn disease fungicide tar spot 

Southern rust is now active in central and eastern Kansas

Southern corn rust continues to spread in the southern part of the US and is now detected in seven counties across central and eastern Kansas. This article lists the counties with confirmed cases of southern rust and answers some frequently asked questions related to this disease.

corn disease southern rust 

Update on tar spot of corn - August 10, 2023

Tar spot is now active in all Kansas counties previously reported during the 2022 season, which was first detected late in the season on Sept. 15, 2022. Tar spot prevalence and severity seem to be much higher than in the 2022 season. Now is a critical time to identify fields with tar spot as these locations may be at higher risk for the disease next year.

corn disease tar spot 

Tar Spot of corn is confirmed in double the counties in Kansas from last season

Tar spot of corn continues to spread in northeast Kansas. To date, it has been confirmed in 12 counties, twice the number from when it was first detected in Kansas late last season. Tar spot prevalence and severity are much higher than in the 2022 season. Before harvest is a critical time to identify fields with tar spot.

corn disease tar spot 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. Lodging results in harvest losses and slows down harvesting considerably. Grain moisture levels may also be high in lodged corn. This article discusses some of the common causes of stalk lodging in corn.

stalk rot corn disease lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot 

Registration is open for the 2024 Kansas Corn and Soybean Virtual School

Did you miss one of the in-person Corn and Soybean Schools? The last of the Kansas Soybean and Corn Schools is being offered as a virtual event on February 22. There is still time to register for this school. Come learn about market updates, crop disease management, and agronomic practices.

corn Soybean Schools 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared information about pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This week, we focused on specific options for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season. It is critical to start the growing season with clean fields.

grain sorghum corn weed control kochia pre-plant herbicide 

2023 Kansas Performance Tests reports for corn, soybeans, grain sorghum, and sunflowers

The 2023 Kansas Performance Test Reports for corn, soybeans, grain sorghum, and sunflowers are now available online. These reports include the results of the crop performance trials. Each report also includes a summary of the 2023 crop, with a detailed discussion summarizing the statewide growing conditions, diseases, and insects.

soybeans grain sorghum corn Performance Tests sunflower  

Corn management in Kansas for 2024

K-State Research and Extension has released a popular publication updated for the 2024 growing season - "Kansas Corn Management 2024". This publication advises producers, crop consultants, and agronomists to manage Kansas corn crops as efficiently and profitably as possible. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and includes valuable, up-to-date information.

corn publication crop production 

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds and/or seedlings as they germinate or emerge are important for herbicide applications at or before corn planting. These herbicides can control weeds for several weeks, which prevents yield loss due to early-season weed competition.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations

The optimal corn seeding rate is a management variable that depends on the hybrid and the interaction with the environment. Although specific hybrids can respond differently, the following guidelines presented in this article may help producers decide if their selected corn seeding rates need to be adjusted.

planting corn seeding rate plant density 

Effect of standing water and saturated soils on corn growth

Standing water or saturated soil conditions in areas of a field can impact corn now or later. Periods of early-season water saturation can cause immediate problems for small corn plants and have season-long implications. This article discusses the potential impacts and complicating factors when corn fields are subjected to standing water.

corn saturated soils standing water nitrogen loss 

Low levels of Tar Spot have been confirmed in Kansas

Low levels of tar spot has been confirmed in several corn fields in Doniphan and Atchison counties in Kansas. These are the first documents reports of tar spot in the U.S. for this growing season. Now is the time to intensify scouting efforts. Once significant disease pressure is in the upper canopy, a fungicide application may be too late.

corn disease foliar diseases tar spot 

Late-season herbicide applications in corn

Some questions have recently come in regarding herbicide options for corn in later vegetative stages. While early-season weed control is critical to protecting yield potential, in some situations, late-season weed control may be needed to protect yield, prevent harvest difficulties, and reduce additions to the weed seed bank.

corn weed control post-emergence late-season 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent in-season "quality control" tool. It can be especially valuable for managing secondary and micronutrients for which high-quality, reliable soil tests are not available and for providing insight into how efficiently the crop is using applied nutrients. Consider adding this agronomic practice to your toolbox.

corn nutrient deficiency tissue testing nutrient anaylsis 

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases in 2024

We are entering the time window in Kansas when corn producers should be scouting fields and assessing the need for a foliar fungicide application. Several fields in eastern Kansas are approaching the V14-VT (tassel) development stage. This article has information on four different fungal diseases of corn.

corn disease fungicides fungal disease 

Japanese Beetles and Burrowing Bugs make their annual appearance in Kansas

Japanese Beetles and Burrowing bugs have been seen in Kansas corn and soybean fields. Learn about plant hosts for these insects and management considerations.

soybeans corn Japanese beetles Burrowing bugs 

Assessing hail damage to corn

Severe weather is not uncommon during the summer in Kansas. Several destructive hail events have recently occurred in various Kansas regions. The impact of hail damage largely depends on the growth stage of the corn. This article goes into more detail about assessing hail damage in corn.

weather corn hail severe weather crop injury 

Southern rust is active in central and eastern Kansas

Southern corn rust continues to spread in the southern part of the US and is now detected in four counties across central and eastern Kansas. The severity depends on the weather, and southern rust likes 90-degree days, warm nights, and high humidity. This article answers some frequently asked questions about managing southern rust in Kansas.

corn southern rust foliar diseases diseases crop scouting 

Tar Spot is active in five counties in northeast Kansas

Tar spot is active in corn fields across five counties in northeast Kansas. Now is the time to intensify scouting efforts. Fungicide applications are most effective when applied within a specific window of corn growth stage. The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is offering free testing for tar spot during the 2024 growing season.

corn disease foliar fungicides foliar diseases tar spot 

Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

With many corn fields in Kansas already in reproductive stages, it is time to assess grain yield potential. One way to estimate corn yield is using the yield component method, which uses a combination of known and projected yield components. This article walks through this method with an example yield potential example.

corn yield potential yield estimates yield components 

Kansas Corn Yield Contest: Final entry deadline is August 14

Don't miss your chance to participate in the National and Kansas Corn Yield Contests! Registration is still open, and the final entry deadline is August 14. The Kansas Corn Yield Contest is linked to the national contest, allowing growers to submit one registration and one harvest form for both the national and state contests. Check it out!

corn Corn Yield Contest yield 

Low levels of corn stunt disease have been confirmed in Kansas

Corn stunt disease and its associated vector, the corn leafhopper, have been recently confirmed in five counties in Kansas. To our knowledge, this is the first detection of the disease in Kansas. In this article, learn more about how this disease spreads, what to look for in the field, and how to submit a tissue sample for testing.

corn disease corn stunt corn leafhopper 

Self-guided tours of herbicide evaluation plots are open near Manhattan

Each summer, the Extension Weed Science team evaluates herbicide programs for corn and soybeans. These plots are located near Manhattan, KS, and can be visited at your schedule. Feel free to drop by anytime. Information about the herbicide treatments will be accessible if you have a smartphone.

soybeans corn weed control herbicides plots 
