eUpdate Articles Tagged: cold soil

Cold soils can lead to chilling injury for newly planted corn

Cold temperatures can result in injury to the germinating corn seed as it absorbs moisture - a problem called imbibitional chilling injury. Damage can occur when soil temperatures are at or below 50 F.

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UPDATE - Soil temperature and cold injury for corn

As a cool front impacts Kansas in early May, keep an eye soil temperatures with respect to planting corn and soybeans. Chilling injury can occur if soil temperatures drop too low.

corn soil temperature chilling injury cold soil 

Soil temperature update and cold injury concerns for corn

Cold temperatures can result in injury to the germinating seed as it is absorbing moisture – a problem called imbibitional chilling injury. Damage to germinating seeds can occur when soil temperatures remain at or below 50 degrees F after planting.

corn soil temperature cold soil cold injury