eUpdate Articles Tagged: cattle

Grazing cover crops: Toxicity considerations

grazing cattle cover crops forage toxicity 

Crop residues: Nutritive value and options for grazing

Significant amounts of residue may be left in fields after the growing season. One option is to graze these fields. Learn about the nutritive value of crop residues and other considerations for grazing corn and sorghum residue.

grazing residue cattle 

Test to prevent nitrate and prussic acid poisoning

Many Kansas cattle operations rely on some type of harvested feed to use in the winter months and common among those sources is forage sorghum, millets, sorghum-sudangrass, and sudan. When feeding cattles, forages in the sorghum family are prone nitrate poisoning and prussic acid poisoning. Learn the difference and how to test for these before a problem occurs.

cattle prussic acid nitrate toxicity forage testing 

Testing methods for nitrates in forages

When making harvesting or feeding decisions for forages that have potentially accumulated nitrates, our tendency is to want immediate answers. Laboratory analysis is by far the best test of nitrate toxicity. Two types of quick tests exist, and it is important to understand the limitations of these tests when considering their use.

cattle forages nitrate toxicity forage testing nitrates 

Webinar to address grass turnout in Western Kansas

In many areas of Kansas, grass growth was very limited last year and continuing dry conditions in recent months raise questions about how livestock producers should plan for the coming growing season. Join K-State specialists on April 4th at noon for a webinar to address grass turnout. This is a free event but registration is required.

grazing cattle webinar 

Crabgrass could serve as an alternative cattle forage

K-State Research and Extension released a new publication this fall on using crabgrass as an alternative forage for cattle. In systems with cool-season forages, a lack of forage may occur during the summer. One option to extend the grazing season is to have pastures with warm-season forage grass, such as crabgrass, that produce most of the forage during hot months.

cattle publication forage crabgrass 

Kansas Mesonet Animal Comfort Tool monitors current and forecasted livestock conditions

Summer brings heat, often amplified by humidity. When heat stress develops with hot, sunny, and humid conditions, increased proactive steps are required to avoid potential illness in livestock. The Kansas Mesonet has an Animal Comfort Tool that tracks current heat stress values with real-time data and looks ahead at the 7-day forecast.

cattle Mesonet Cattle Comfort Tool heat stress high humidity 
