There is still time to apply fertilizer to tall fescue and smooth bromegrass meadows and pastures. The amount and timing of application depends on several factors. Read about those factors and other consideration in this article.
Managing foxtail infestation in smooth bromegrass meadown, especially old or thin stands, can be tricky. A recent study was conducted in eastern KS to evaluate different options for pre-emergence control of foxtail species in bromegrass. Learn more in this article.
K-State Research and Extension just released an updated version of the publication MF924 - Seed Production Management for Smooth Bromegrass and Tall Fescue. This resource describes management practices to produce high yields of seeds from smooth bromegrass and tall fescue fields.
Bromegrass is one of the most important cool-season grasses in eastern Kansas. It grows best during cooler weather, primarily March through June and September through November, becoming semi-dormant during the summer months. This year has brought challenges to bromegrass fields in Kansas.
Fall is a good time to plan on fertilizing cool-season perennial grasses such as smooth brome. Brome requires annual fertilization for optimum production. Fertilizer should be applied by broadcasting in the fall or before spring growth begins. This article covers fertilizer application timing and rates for optimum brome production.
pastures fall fertilizer bromegrass fertilization smooth brome