eUpdate Articles Tagged: army cutworms

Army cutworms in wheat, alfalfa, and winter canola

Significant populations of army cutworm larvae have been reported in Kansas. Producers should begin scouting their wheat, alfalfa, and winter canola fields. More information on scouting and treatment thresholds are in this article from Extension Entomology.

wheat alfalfa canola army cutworms 

Army cutworm and pea aphid activity in wheat and alfalfa fields

There are reports of insect activity in wheat and alfalfa fields in parts of Kansas. Army cutworms have become more noticeable. Also, pea aphids are showing up in alfalfa fields.

wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms pea aphids 

Update on insect activity - alfalfa weevils and army cutworms

Alfalfa weevils have started feeding in fields in north central Kansas. Does this activity warrant treatment yet? Army cutworm larvae are still active as well. How much longer will they continue their feeding?

insects alfalfa army cutworms alfalfa weevils 

Spring insect activity in Kansas - Alfalfa weevils and army cutworms

Get the latest update on insect activity in alfalfa and wheat fields. Alfalfa weevil larvae have been hatching throughout south central and north central Kansas for the last couple of weeks. Army cutworms are again relatively common this year.

insects army cutworms alfalfa weevils 

Insect update: The Year of the Worm

Kansans, particularly those that farm or tend their lawns, might end up remembering 2021 as the "Year of the Worm". Here is the latest fall worms update from Extension Entomology.

wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms armyworms fall armyworms 

Army cutworm reaching treatment thresholds in winter canola

With the onset of warmer temperatures, winter canola is breaking dormancy and army cutworms are now present in fields across Kansas. Significant army cutworm pressure has been observed in some areas of Kansas. Learn about the treatment thresholds and the correct insecticides for control in this article.

canola army cutworms winter canola 

Army cutworm moths in southwest Kansas

Noticeable numbers of army cutworm moths, also called Miller moths, have been observed in a couple locations in western Kansas this year. Army cutworms are late fall and early spring pests of several Kansas crops, especially wheat. In addition to wheat, alfalfa is at risk from army cutworm feeding.

insects army cutworms 

Army cutworm activity in western Kansas

The army cutworm, also known as the miller moth, is a late fall and early spring pest of several Kansas crops, including wheat. In the fall of 2023, high numbers of army cutworm moths were trapped in western Kansas. It is recommended that scouting for this pest be underway in western Kansas wheat fields.

insects army cutworms miller moths