eUpdate Articles Tagged: alternative crop

Effect of cold temperatures on field peas

Field peas are an emerging alternative crop for producers in northern Kansas. What effect, if any, does a spring frost have on field peas? Northwest Area Agronomist, Lucas Haag, offers his advice about this cool-season legume.

cold tolerance field peas pulse crop alternative crop 

Winter agronomy series features alternative crops for southwest and south central Kansas

K-State Research and Extension is hosting a series of winter schools in southwest and south central focusing on three alternative crops - winter canola, camelina, and cowpea. Program topics will address production considerations and marketing opportunities for these crops. Locations and dates can be found in this article.

canola alternative crop meeting cowpeas camelina 

Winter Agronomy Series features alternative crops for southwest and south central Kansas

K-State Research and Extension is hosting a series of winter schools in southwest and south central focusing on three alternative crops - winter canola, camelina, and cowpea. Program topics will address production considerations and marketing opportunities for these crops.

canola alternative crop meetings cowpeas camelina 
