Agronomy eUpdate December 16th, 2021

Issue 886

K-State 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available

One of the most popular K-State Extension publications is here! The 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available. This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops.

weeds publication Weed Control Guide  

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for November 2021

The November Ag-Climate Update includes a brief summary of that month, agronomic impacts, relevant maps and graphs, 1-month temperature and precipitation outlooks, monthly extremes, and notable highlights.

weather Climate 

Soil Fertility Management meetings scheduled in central and western Kansas

The K-State Department of Agronomy, in collaboration with several Extension districts/counties in central and western Kansas, is hosting four Soil Fertility Management meetings in January.

soil fertility meeting  

K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for late January and early February

A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. The schools will be sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.

Soybean Schools  

Kansas Corn Schools scheduled for early 2022

The popular Kansas Corn School series is returning in January and February with four one-day in-person schools to be held across the state and one virtual session. K-State Research and Extension is partnering with Kansas Corn to offer the winter learning sessions for Kansas corn farmers.

Corn Schools  

Crop Pest Management School to be held online, December 21

If you missed the two in-person Crop Pest Management Schools, you can still attend the online school scheduled for Tuesday, December 21. Registration for the online school is open through Dec. 17. Don't miss out!

virtual Crop Pest Schools  
