Agronomy eUpdate April 22nd, 2021

Issue 851

Soil temperature update and cold injury concerns for corn

Cold temperatures can result in injury to the germinating seed as it is absorbing moisture – a problem called imbibitional chilling injury. Damage to germinating seeds can occur when soil temperatures remain at or below 50 degrees F after planting.

corn soil temperature cold soil cold injury 

K-State recommendations for soybean planting dates and maturity group

Soybeans can be planted over a wide range of dates with adequate soil moisture conditions, although germination and emergence could be reduced and/or delayed in when soil temperature is less than 60°F. Recommended maturity groups vary by region in Kansas.

soybeans maturity group optimum planting dates 

Risk of freeze injury to Kansas wheat for April 20-22, 2021

Several factors interact to influence the degree of freeze damage to wheat. Some of these factors are wheat growth stage, air temps, duration of cold weather, soil temps, snow cover, landscape position, and crop residue. Where does the KS wheat crop stand after this latest bout of cold weather?

wheat freeze injury freezing temperatures 

Injury symptoms from freeze damage to wheat

The recent cold temperatures experienced this week were enough to cause freeze damage to Kansas wheat. The actual freeze damage will be region-specific depending on crop growth stage, minimum temperatures, and other factors. Learn more in this article.

wheat freeze injury crop injury 

Spring freeze effects on weed management

The recent cold weather have prompted concerns about the effectiveness of burndown herbicide applications. Will herbicide applications made in recent days be effective? Here are some factors that could influence the outcome on your farm.

freezing temperatures weed management burndown herbicides 

Imazamox-resistant shattercane populations identified from sorghum fields in northwest Kansas

Shattercane is a summer annual grass weed species commonly present in grain sorghum producing regions, including Kansas. Current research studies in western KS have identified 3 populations of shattercane with low-to-moderate resistance to imazamox.

grain sorghum herbicide resistance shattercane 

World of Weeds: Bush honeysuckle

This month's World of Weeds article features two species of bush honeysuckle: Tatarian honeysuckle and Amur honeysuckle. Both of these plants are listed on the KDA Invasive Weed Watch list. Learn more about the ecology, plant characteristics, and control practices in this article.

World of Weeds honeysuckle 

Virtual crop scouting school now available

The Crop Protections Network has brought together specialists from 11 universities in the Midwest to create the 2021 Virtual Crop Scout School. This school offers 22 webinars on a variety of topics. Two specialists at K-State are among the webinar presenters. Learn more about this free training resource!

virtual crop scouting CCA 

Seed production management for smooth bromegrass and tall fescue

K-State Research and Extension just released an updated version of the publication MF924 - Seed Production Management for Smooth Bromegrass and Tall Fescue. This resource describes management practices to produce high yields of seeds from smooth bromegrass and tall fescue fields.

publication tall fescue bromegrass 
