Agronomy eUpdate March 25th, 2021

Issue 846

Update on Kansas wheat 2021: A tale of two crops

The condition of the Kansas wheat crop depends largely on the region and when it was planted. Fields planted later struggled with a lack of rainfall in October and November. What effect did the extreme cold snap in February have on the crop? Read more in this article from wheat specialist Romulo Lollato.

wheat development crop progress 

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2021 Kansas wheat crop

With the onset of spring weather, it is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. Producers may be starting to consider disease management plans. Read about the outlook for stripe rust in Kansas for 2021.

wheat disease stripe rust 

World of Weeds - Giant ragweed

Giant ragweed, also called horseweed, often comes to mind as a contributor to seasonal allergies in the fall. However, emergence of this weed begins in early spring, making it a timely topic for the March World of Weeds article.

World of Weeds horseweed giant ragweed 

Join the CoCoRaHS Network...because every drop counts!

Join a community-based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds and become a weather reporter! The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network, or CoCoRaHS, dedicates March for its annual recruitment drive. Learn more in this article. Every drop counts!

weather CoCoRaHS 
