Agronomy eUpdate June 26th, 2020

Issue 807

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn

The month of June has been hot across many locations in Kansas. The combination of heat and drought stress during certain growth stages in corn can be problematic. Read more from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti and the Kansas Climate team.

corn high temperatures drought stress GDD heat stress 

Identifying nutrient deficiency symptoms in soybeans

This time of year, soybeans may begin showing signs of chlorosis or other leaf discoloration. There may be many causes for this discoloration. Nutrient deficiencies are one possibility. Learn how to identify some of the more common deficiencies in this article.

soybeans nutrient deficiency 

New study evaluated different herbicide programs for Palmer amaranth control in post-harvest wheat stubble

A field study was recently conducted that evaluated the performance of various herbicide programs for Palmer amaranth control in post-harvest wheat stubble. Learn more about the results of this research in this article from Weed Scientist, Dr. Vipan Kumar.

wheat weed control palmer amaranth post-harvest 

Considerations for weed control following wheat harvest

Post-harvest weed control in wheat stubble is very important to conserve soil moisture and prevent weeds from going to seed and adding to the weed seedbank. Weeds are likely to be growing quickly, especially where there are thin stands.

wheat weed control post-harvest 

Update on drought conditions in Kansas - June 23, 2020

While portions of Kansas did get significant rainfall in the last week, other areas remain dry with expansion of drought status in many locations. Read more about the drought status for Kansas and what to expect for moisture and temperatures as we head into July.

weather Climate Drought 

2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

Now that corn is in the ground and growing, harvest in Kansas will be here before you know it. Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, will conduct the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. Find out how to entry in this article!

Corn Yield Contest  
