Agronomy eUpdate May 29th, 2020

Issue 802

Purple color in corn seedlings: Cause for concern?

Cool temperatures this spring, combined with recent rainfall, has slowed plant growth for newly-emerged corn. As a result, purple discoloration is showing up in some fields. Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti discusses this phenomenon and its implications.

corn purple slow growth 

Soybean response to standing water and saturated soils

Recent heavy rainfall in portions of Kansas may have resulted in standing water and/or saturated soil in some locations. These conditions have the potential to negatively impact soybean production. Read more here from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.

soybeans saturated soils standing water root rot 

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat

Drought and late freezes have impacted wheat stands in many areas across Kansas this year. As a results, weeds are showing up and taking advantage of thin wheat stands. What are the best options for weed control at this point in the season?

wheat weed control herbicide carryover pre-harvest 

Double crop options after wheat

Double cropping after wheat harvest can be a high-risk venture. The most common double crop options are soybeans, sorghum, and sunflower. Other possibilities include summer annual forages and certain specialized crops.

wheat double crop 

Just how much rain qualifies as a toad-strangler?

Are you familiar with the term "toad-strangler"? It means a very heavy rain - enough to strangle a toad. On May 15, several location in parts of eastern and central KS experienced this kind of rainfall event. Read more in this article from several Agronomy Extension specialists.

weather rainfall 

Upcoming warm weather may slow down stripe rust spread

Stripe rust has continued to show up in Kansas, with additional observations made in western counties. Incidence does remain very low in many locations. Get a complete update on current conditions in this article.

wheat stripe rust 
