Agronomy eUpdate February 28th, 2020

Issue 787

Marestail in soybeans: Strategies for the best control

Controlling marestail in soybeans continues to be a big challenge for Kansas no-till producers. Application timing and weed size are critical factors for successful control of this weed that germinates in the fall or early spring.

soybeans weed control marestail 

Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem

Grazing termination is an important factor in determining wheat’s recovery potential and ability to produce grain following grazing. First hollow stem (FHS) is the optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures to protect grain yield potential.

wheat dual purpose grazing first hollow stem 

First hollow stem update: February 28, 2020

As wheat breaks dormancy, producers need to monitor its progression toward first hollow stem if they are grazing their wheat. Read more about assessing first hollow stem in wheat in this article from Dr. Romulo Lollato and his team.

wheat first hollow stem 

Is spring-planted wheat a viable option for northwest Kansas?

Spring wheat is a cool-season grain crop that is typically grown in the Northern Great Plains. Can spring wheat be grown in northwest Kansas? Learn about the viability of this crop for producers in Kansas in this article from Dr. Lucas Haag.

spring wheat cool season grain 

Update on drought conditions in Kansas - February 28, 2020

Heavy rain this past week improved the drought status in central and west central Kansas. What is the outlook for the first week of March? Read more from our team in the Weather Data Library, Mary Knapp and Chip Redmond.


2019 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial results now available

Summer annual forage performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. The yield results of the 2019 tests are available online. Results are from 3 locations and split into hay and silage categories.

Performance Tests forage hay silage 
