Agronomy eUpdate April 5th, 2024

Issue 998

Adjusting seeding rates for soybeans

Seed cost is a critical economic factor, and selecting the proper seeding rate is a key management practice. This article reviews key factors in determining optimal soybean seeding rates. There is also information using a free web-based simulator designed to assist farmers in implementing variable seeding rates.

planting soybeans seeding rate plant density 

Starter fertilizer for corn - Nitrogen placement and rate

Starter fertilizer typically involves placing a small amount of fertilizer, usually nitrogen and phosphorus, near the seed at planting time. Producers should be very cautious about applying starter fertilizer that includes high rates of nitrogen or potassium.

nitrogen corn fertilizer starter fertilizer phosphorus 

Causes of yellow wheat - Weather and disease factors

Wheat producers may start seeing some wheat fields turn yellow during this time of year. The pattern may vary from field to field, sometimes as large areas, small patches, or streaks of yellowish wheat. This article discusses some of the main weather and disease-related factors that can cause yellow wheat in the spring.

disease yellow wheat freeze injury wheat 

Causes of yellow wheat - Soil fertility factors

Wheat producers may start seeing some wheat fields turn yellow during this time of year. This yellow discoloration is sometimes related to nutrients and soil fertility. Poor root growth from a myriad of factors can also lead to yellow wheat. Check out this article to learn about soil fertility factors affecting wheat growth.

wheat yellow wheat nutrient deficiency soil fertility 

Spring freeze effects on winter canola

The last week of March saw temperatures drop below 24F for eight hours, with a low of 14F, at the South Central Experiment Field near Hutchinson, KS. The chance of observing freeze injury was quite high with the canola crop at the early reproductive stage. What will the impacts of this freeze be this year?

canola freeze injury winter canola 

Timing, timing, timing: Alfalfa weevil season is upon us!

A wide range of temperatures in March has caused the alfalfa weevil hatch to occur over a relatively long period of time. Each alfalfa field is different, and whether to treat or not requires scouting in each field. Treatment for this pest is all about timing. Learn more about treatment options in this article.

insects alfalfa alfalfa weevils