Agronomy eUpdate March 21st, 2024

Issue 996

Spring planting in Kansas: Soil temperature and moisture status

The planting date is one of the most critical factors for row crops. Farmers should consider basing this decision on soil temperature and moisture rather than just calendar dates. This article gives the current status of soil temperature and moisture across the state to aid producers in deciding when to plant corn and soybeans.

soil moisture spring planting planting soil temperature 

Considerations for early fungicide applications on wheat in 2024

There are some advantages and limitations to making an early-season fungicide application to wheat. The likelihood of profit for an early-season fungicide application is greatest for susceptible varieties in continuous wheat systems with a high level of surface wheat residue. In this article, you will learn about all the options for timing applications of wheat fungicides.

wheat fungicide foliar diseases split fungicide 

Outlook for stripe rust in 2024 Kansas wheat crop

Over the last ten years, stripe rust has been one of the most damaging wheat diseases in Kansas. Several factors contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region within a given year. Stripe rust severity in Kansas is largely driven by weather conditions in the state in the late spring and the varieties planted.

wheat disease outlook stripe rust 

Foliar fungicide efficacy for wheat disease management

The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2024. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head product comparisons in Kansas and many other wheat-producing states. All efficacy ratings listed are based on proper application timing.

wheat publication foliar fungicides efficacy disease management 

Updated soil test interpretations and fertilizer recommendations for Kansas

The Agronomy Soil Fertility Working Group at K-State, led by soil fertility specialist Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, has released an updated version of the popular publication "Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendations in Kansas". This publication contains the most recent soil test interpretations for the major crops for the most commonly deficient plant nutrients in Kansas.

soil testing publication fertilizer soil fertility 

Army cutworm activity in western Kansas

The army cutworm, also known as the miller moth, is a late fall and early spring pest of several Kansas crops, including wheat. In the fall of 2023, high numbers of army cutworm moths were trapped in western Kansas. It is recommended that scouting for this pest be underway in western Kansas wheat fields.

insects army cutworms miller moths 

Insect activity update: Alfalfa weevils

This article gives an update on the activity of alfalfa weevils in Kansas. Control of this pest can be problematic in Kansas. The weather in early spring can make the application of foliar insecticides difficult. Learn more about the current activity of this pest and what options are best for control.

insects alfalfa alfalfa weevils