Agronomy eUpdate February 29th, 2024

Issue 993

The 2024 Kansas fire season is here

The start of 2024 has been quiet wildfire-wise across Kansas. However, fire season is here for the Central Plains. Take this opportunity to refresh your situational awareness resources and prepare to be ready should there be a wildfire near you. Wildfires are a real risk for Kansans, even with recent moisture.

prescribed burning wildfire fire weather 

Burn bans and red flag warnings in Kansas

Wildfires in the central and southern Great Plains have been major news lately. Fires in the Texas panhandle have consumed over 1 million acres. In addition, wildfires have also occurred in Oklahoma and Kansas. Always check out weather forecasts if you plan to conduct a prescribed burn.

prescribed burning red flag warnings wildfire burn ban 

Potential effects of recent warm temperatures on the wheat crop

Since late January, most of Kansas has experienced much warmer-than-average air temperatures for this time of the year. The effects of these warmer-than-average temperatures on the wheat crop are concerning producers and crop consultants. The effect of the high soil temperatures during February on the wheat crop will depend on several factors, particularly on temperatures during early March.

wheat warm temperatures green-up 

Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem

The unique climate characteristics of the US southern Great Plains allow producers to use wheat as a forage and grain crop (dual-purpose). The date of grazing termination is an important factor in determining wheat's recovery potential and ability to produce grain. First hollow stem (FHS) is the optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures to protect grain yield potential.

wheat dual purpose grazing first hollow stem 

First hollow stem update - Feb. 29, 2024

Cattle should be removed from wheat pastures when the crop reaches first hollow stem. This report intends to provide producers with an update on the progress of the first hollow stem development in different wheat varieties. It is crucial to monitor FHS from an ungrazed portion of each individual wheat pasture to decide on removing cattle from wheat pastures.

wheat grazing dual purpose first hollow stem 

Wheat variety fall forage yield comparison for 2023-24

Fall forage yield is an important aspect of dual-purpose wheat production. There are differences among wheat varieties in forage production potential. Each year, the K-State Wheat Production Group compares the forage yield of several commonly grown wheat varieties and upcoming lines. Learn about the latest results in this article.

fall forage dual purpose yield results wheat variety trials 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, and wheat

This is the third and final article discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This week, we will discuss recommendations specific to fields planted to soybeans or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.

wheat soybeans weed control kochia pre-emergence sunflowers 

Looking ahead to spring weather in Kansas

Despite two cold weeks in January, winter 2023-2024 has been warm. Precipitation was much above normal until February. Now, things are drying out and greening up, and the landscape is in need of precipitation. This article will look to the future and provide some ideas of what to expect for spring and early summer 2024.

weather spring climate spring outlook 

Don't miss the remaining K-State Crop Talk webinars

There are still two sessions of the popular Crop Talk webinar series. This year, Crop Talk is focused on agronomic topics for producers across the western half of Kansas. The next session is set for March 5 and features Soil Fertility Specialist, Dr. Ruiz Diaz, speaking about managing fields with high pH. Don't miss it!

virtual webinars CropTalk  

Update - Full program details are set for two Wheat Rx seminars

The entire program details for the two Wheat Rx seminars have been released. Check out this article to learn about the speakers and topics featured this year. You can also find information on how to get registered. Kansas Wheat Rx is a combination of suggested management practices for the economical and sustainable production of high-quality winter wheat in Kansas.

Wheat Rx meetings wheat seminars