Agronomy eUpdate December 7th, 2023

Issue 985

Mungbeans: Potential for crop diversification in Kansas

How familiar are you with mungbeans? This crop is in the legume family and is primarily used for human consumption. Demand has significantly increased in the U.S. over the last two decades. Mungbean has a high tolerance to heat and drought with a short crop growth cycle. Learn about recent research to evaluate mungbean's suitability in Kansas cropping systems.

double crop mungbean legume 

Crabgrass could serve as an alternative cattle forage

K-State Research and Extension released a new publication this fall on using crabgrass as an alternative forage for cattle. In systems with cool-season forages, a lack of forage may occur during the summer. One option to extend the grazing season is to have pastures with warm-season forage grass, such as crabgrass, that produce most of the forage during hot months.

cattle publication forage crabgrass 

K-State 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online

One of the most popular K-State Research and Extension publications is here! The 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online. This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops. Orders for paper copies can be placed starting in January. Check it out!

publication weeds Weed Control Guide  

K-State Corn and Soybean Schools to be held Jan. 16-19, 2024

Registration is open for the combined Corn and Soybean Winter Crop Schools! New for 2024, these schools will feature a full-day program targeting soybean and corn production in Kansas. Four locations across Kansas will feature region-specific topics. Get registered today!

Corn Schools Soybean Schools meetings