Agronomy eUpdate October 26th, 2023

Issue 980

Considerations for fall applications of anhydrous ammonia

Soils across Kansas are still running above 50°F at the 4-inch depth. It is best to delay anhydrous ammonia applications until soil temperatures drop below this threshold. By delaying application until cold weather, over-winter losses of the applied nitrogen can be minimized. Fall applications should be avoided on sandy soils prone to leaching.

fall fertilizer anhydrous ammonia fertilizer soil temperature 

Fall herbicide applications - Atrazine label updates

Fall or early spring herbicide applications are a great proactive weed management strategy to ensure fields “start clean” at planting. Atrazine has historically been an important part of these programs. However, recent changes in atrazine labels mean that it cannot be used in some fall-applied scenarios. Learn more in this article.

label requirements atrazine fall-applied herbicides 

Field equipment maintenance - Winterizing sprayers

Temperatures across the state are expected to drop much below normal this weekend, so now is the time to winterize your field sprayers. This is also a good time to clean and inspect the exterior, tanks, hoses, and other components – including your tendering equipment. This article summarizes some of the key steps to winterizing sprayers.

winter equipment sprayers 

Range Management Lectureship features speaker on non-traditional application of fire - Nov. 7

Dr. John Weir will present the 23rd annual Kling Anderson Range Science Lectureship on Tuesday, November 7, at 3:30 p.m. on K-State’s Manhattan campus. The title of Weir’s lecture is “Burning Outside the Box.” This lecture is free and open to the public. The Kling Anderson Lectureship was established to enhance training in Range and Forage Management at Kansas State University.

range burning lecture 
