Agronomy eUpdate October 19th, 2023

Issue 979

Wheat planting conditions in Kansas: Middle of October 2023

Prolonged drought continues across Kansas. However, Kansas's next 7-day precipitation forecast indicates that the region could see widespread moisture. What does this mean for wheat yet to be planted? This article gives an update on the wheat planting conditions across Kansas and looks ahead at the weather forecast.

wheat weather wheat planting planting conditions 

Delayed planting dates and seeding rates for wheat in northwest Kansas

The optimal planting window for wheat has passed for northwest Kansas. Does planting past the optimum date impact the yield potential? Can increased seeding rates compensate if wheat planting is delayed? This article reviews some research in northwest Kansas that helps answer these questions.

wheat late planting seeding rate planting date 

Fall fertilization of brome pastures

Fall is a good time to plan on fertilizing cool-season perennial grasses such as smooth brome. Brome requires annual fertilization for optimum production. Fertilizer should be applied by broadcasting in the fall or before spring growth begins. This article covers fertilizer application timing and rates for optimum brome production.

pastures fall fertilizer bromegrass fertilization smooth brome 

Musk thistle control in the fall

Musk thistle is one of 12 noxious weeds in Kansas, infesting over 420,000 acres in 2022. Control efforts should be aimed at reducing or eliminating new populations, and established stands should be managed with any accepted control method. Fall is an excellent time to spray musk thistle as all are in the rosette growth stage.

weed control musk thistle noxious weed 

Kansas Mesonet measured atmospheric changes during recent solar eclipse

On October 14, an infrequent astronomical event took place: a partial solar eclipse. The moon’s orbit passed between Earth and the sun, temporarily blocking Kansas’ view of the entire solar disc for about 3 hours. Some Kansas Mesonet sites captured changes to meteorological variables during the eclipse. Learn more in this article.

weather Mesonet eclipse 
