Agronomy eUpdate October 12th, 2023

Issue 978

Managing forages after a hard freeze

Freezing temperatures change plant metabolism and composition, and different forage species respond differently to cold stress. Depending on plant species, these changes in metabolism resulting from freezing temperatures can create possible feeding-related animal disorders. Learn more about managing forages after a freeze in this article.

freeze prussic acid forages nitrate toxicity 

Fall soil testing of hayfields and pastures

Knowing the soil nutrients is a requirement to establish an adequate soil fertility program for forages. Fall is a good time to evaluate the soil fertility status for forage production because it allows more time for any needed lime applications to have an effect before the main growing season begins.

soil testing pastures hayfields soil fertility fall soil sampling 

After harvest is the optimal time for Soybean Cyst Nematode sampling

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. This pest has been identified in 62 counties in Kansas that produce more than 85% of Kansas soybeans. Immediately following harvest is the best time to check fields for SCN and start planning for next season.

soybean cyst nematode soybeans Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SCN 

Kansas Ag-Climate Update for September 2023

The September Ag-Climate Update for Kansas is here. This article offers a summary of the full report. The entire Ag-Climate Update can be accessed in this article. The month of September saw some improvement in drought conditions in parts of Kansas. Temperature-wise, September was warmer than average. Find out more in this article.

weather Climate  

2023 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contest

Have you harvested your soybeans yet? The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest, which analyzes protein, oil, and other soybean qualities, is also open for entries.

soybeans yield Soybean Yield Contest