Agronomy eUpdate September 28th, 2023

Issue 976

Considerations when planting wheat into dry soil

Several areas across Kansas are still experiencing drought conditions. Topsoil conditions are very dry in many areas of Kansas. For wheat yet to be planted in these areas, producers are left with a few options. This article discusses the different strategies for planting wheat when the soil is lacking adequate moisture.

wheat dry soils Drought wheat planting 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following a summer row crop

With fall harvest progressing at earlier than normal rates and many row-crop acres chopped for silage, producers may consider planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue. While the current drought conditions offer significant challenges, there are additional considerations when seeding wheat immediately after the harvest of a summer crop.

wheat no-tillage wheat planting pre-harvest desiccant 

Alfalfa management options for short or drought-stressed stands

A recent eUpdate article from early September discussed the best time for the last cuttings of alfalfa ahead of the winter months. This article answers some questions related to the last cutting for stands that are shorter than normal or are under drought stress

alfalfa drought stress last cutting 

Grasshoppers are abundant in many areas of Kansas

There are reports of abundant grasshopper populations in many areas of Kansas. Warm, dry weather increases the survival of nymphs and adult grasshoppers, leading to increased egg production during the growing season. This article discusses the treatment threshold for grasshoppers and other management considerations.

insects grasshoppers 

Small grain forage options for this fall

In the past two years, pasture productivity has been reduced, and forage supplies have been greatly reduced due to dry weather. Small grain forages planted in the fall or spring can provide a profitable forage option for producers. There are six common small grain options for forage, each with strengths and weaknesses.

grazing forage fall forage small grains 

Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum

With row crop harvest well underway, it is time to start planning fall herbicide applications. Herbicide applications in late October through November can improve control of difficult winter annual weeds. Fall weed control is associated with warmer soils and easier planting in the spring. However, fall-applied herbicides may limit your crop options in the spring.

fall-applied kochia herbicide residual herbicides annual weeds 

Get control of fall-emerged marestail before next spring

Marestail, or horseweed, is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum-till systems. Acceptable control of fall-emerged marestail with herbicide applications at planting will be unlikely because the marestail are generally too large, but control can be achieved with both fall and early spring herbicide applications. Other control options include tillage and cover crops.

herbicide marestail residual herbicides annual weeds horseweed 

Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications

Late summer and fall can be an excellent time to treat unwanted stands of woody plants. Scattered stands of individual trees should be treated individually using the basal bark method (for labeled plants less than 4-6 inches in diameter) or the cut stump treatment method.

woody plants rangeland cut stump basal bark