Agronomy eUpdate September 21st, 2023

Issue 975

Tar Spot of corn is confirmed in double the counties in Kansas from last season

Tar spot of corn continues to spread in northeast Kansas. To date, it has been confirmed in 12 counties, twice the number from when it was first detected in Kansas late last season. Tar spot prevalence and severity are much higher than in the 2022 season. Before harvest is a critical time to identify fields with tar spot.

corn disease tar spot 

Wheat planting - Tips for good stand establishment

Regardless of the soil moisture conditions at wheat planting time, there are a few important steps producers can take to improve their chances of getting a good stand of wheat. This article discusses tips for establishing a good wheat stand and includes links to additional online resources related to wheat production.

wheat wheat planting 

Check for stalk rots before grain sorghum harvest

It is important to check grain sorghum fields for stalk rot diseases before harvest. Even in fields where lodging has not yet occurred, producers should be prepared to deal with stalk rot issues. Stalk rot is a stress-related disease. Any stress on the crop can increase the incidence and severity of stalk rot.

sorghum grain sorghum lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot stalk rots 

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn

Stalk lodging in corn occurs when the stalk weakens and breaks at some point below the ear. Lodging results in harvest losses and slows down harvesting considerably. Grain moisture levels may also be high in lodged corn. This article discusses some of the common causes of stalk lodging in corn.

stalk rot corn disease lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot 

World of Weeds - Asiatic Dayflower and Erect Dayflower

The next weed to be featured in our World of Weeds series is the common dayflower, specifically the Asiatic dayflower and the erect dayflower. Dayflowers are generally found in shady areas with moist soils. Check out this article to learn how to identify these weeds and how to control them if needed.

weed control World of Weeds weeds dayflower 

Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program - Nominations due Nov. 10

Nominate a deserving Kansas producer or landowner for the 2023 Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program. There are six different award categories. The purpose of this program is to stimulate a greater interest in the conservation of the agricultural and natural resources of Kansas.

soil conservation conservation award water conservation KBA 

Looking ahead - The first frost and freeze dates for Kansas

Meteorological fall began on September 1. It was warm early in the month, with highs over 100 degrees in many locations during Labor Day weekend. With more seasonal weather here, thoughts turn to the end of the growing season. This article looks at the chances of when the first frost and first freeze event could occur in Kansas this year.

climate weather first frost first freeze 
