Agronomy eUpdate September 7th, 2023

Issue 973

Wheat planting: Be cautious of planting too early

Early sowing of wheat can lead to several problems. Ideally, growers should consider planting around the optimum window. However, if planting early due to moisture availability or a dual-purpose system, growers should consider selecting wheat varieties with tolerance to the major yield-reducing factors in their respective regions. Learn more in this article.

wheat optimum planting dates wheat planting early-planted wheat 

Wheat seed treatment considerations in 2023

Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2023 is now available. It is important to make sure the seed treatment chosen matches the diseases and pests you are looking to control.

publication wheat seed treatment efficacy 

New soybean Sudden Death Syndrome diagnostic test now available

The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab has implemented a new Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) molecular diagnostic tool to help growers properly identify this disease. This new SDS molecular test is faster and has higher detection capabilities than conventional methods. Insect damage and other diseases can present as similar foliar symptoms associated with SDS therefore testing is important.

soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SDS 

Planting winter canola? Be aware of rotation restrictions with herbicides

Recent developments associated with market opportunities for winter canola may lead to increased planting in the fall of 2023 and beyond. When making seeding plans, be sure to consider the herbicides used this summer and those planned for the fall.

label requirements herbicides canola winter canola 

Alfalfa management: Deciding on the last cutting this fall

Alfalfa will quit growing after the first hard freeze which in Kansas occurs on average around October 15, but can be as early as October 1 or as late as November 1. The last cuttings should be weather-based because the timing of the last two cuttings impacts the winter survival and productivity of the stand in the following year.

alfalfa forage last cutting 

Weed management practices: Fall scouting and equipment cleaning

Weed management encompasses more than controlling actively growing weeds. Farmers can be proactive to help prevent the future spread of weeds. Two different management practices are discussed in this article: fall scouting for weed escapes and equipment cleaning.

scouting weed management crop scouting equipment 

Kansas cool-season forage performance tests

The results of the 2023 Kansas Performance Tests for cool-season annual forage varieties are now available online. Annual forage performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. The trials help producers make informed variety selections.

Performance Tests forage cool-season  

Self-guided tours of herbicide evaluation plots are open near Manhattan

Each summer, the Extension Weed Science team evaluates herbicide programs for corn and soybeans. This year, those plots are available for viewing by interested individuals who are passing through the Manhattan area. The plots will be open until harvest is completed near the end of September. Check them out!

weed control weeds plots 

Looking ahead - The 2023 Fall Weather Outlook for Kansas

After a third heatwave this summer, there are a lot of questions about what the fall will provide in terms of harvest and planting weather. In this article, we will provide a very brief weather summary of the past, a look at the current, and how that all plays a role in the coming months.

weather fall outlook fall weather 
